Thank You, Alexander

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This takes place just after The Course of True Love (and First Dates)


Seven more minutes since the last time he checked. Thirteen more and he could leave. He flung his dagger and it whooshed past Isabelle's arm and hit the bull's eye on the other end of the room.

"Damnnnn, big bro! That was amazing!", Izzy exclaimed.

He knew if he told her, he could leave right at that moment. But Jace was also there and he couldn't afford to let him know.

Alec Lightwood, the eldest son of the Lightwoods, had a date to go on. A date which he couldn't miss. A date he couldn't be late to. A date he had been anticipating since his last (and first ever) date.

Six more minutes.

Two more.

Forty-eight seconds.

Three more seconds and the alarm would go off. "OKAY!", Alec exclaimed and quickly turned off the alarm before it could go off. "That's it for me. I'll go. Not feeling well. So sweaty. Hot weather. Um. Right. Bye."

So he babbled. Sue him. He quickly walked off. As soon as he exited the room, he ran. He ran as if his life depended on it. He entered his room, took a shower, changed into a black button-up and folded it to three-fourths and quietly left the institute.

They had decided to meet up at a cafe at 6 pm. Alec reached there at 5:54 pm. No more getting late. The last time was late enough for 10 upcoming dates. And the thought of many more upcoming dates with Magnus made him blush. He ducked his head and smiled. When he looked up, the bell chimed and the door opened.

Magnus was here. (!!)

Magnus was wearing a brilliant yellow shirt with a navy blue and purple scarf around his neck and black leather pants. Alec waved at him with a stupid wide grin on his face.

"Hey," Magnus said as he sat down."I hope I'm not late."

"No. No, not at all. It's fine." Stop blabbing, he thought to himself.

As if Magnus read his mind, he said, "It's all right, Alexander."

"Why do you call me that? Everybody just calls me Alec,"

"Well, that just means I don't want to be an Everybody to you." and he winked. And Alec ducked his head again.

"So, I ordered us two Hazelnut-Caramel milkshakes. I can cancel it if you don't want it," said Alec

Magnus just smiled. Goddamn, that smile. Nobody had the right to be cute and hot at the same time. Alec had a feeling he was going to blush the entire evening.

"There is a carnival in the field across the 6th block. Wanna go there, after we get our drinks?" Magnus asked, all while smiling.

Alec nodded. They took their drinks and headed out. Walking side-by-side filled Alec with an urge to hold hands with Magnus. There were so many people. They could see. But no one knew him here. It'd be fine.

He touched a single finger, ever so slightly, with Magnus's palm and Magnus took his hand. Alec grinned the biggest grin of his life and turned his face to look at Magnus's.

Magnus had an intricate design made with black lines around his eyes. It was highlighted with glitter. It looked Gorgeous.

And then Magnus looked him in the eye and Alec just whispered, "Gorgeous."

Magnus brought their intertwined hands to his lips and kissed them. "That's you, my darling."

They reached the carnival and Alec was in awe. He had seen carnivals. Well, he had fought demons in a carnival. A dead carnival. Oh, well.

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