Lemon Slices and Silk Masks

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One more line.

Two more strikes.

Two more verses were written.

One more page was torn and thrown.

Writing always came naturally to Magnus. The words slipped fluently and rhymed in the way he wanted them.

After all, he was Magnus Freakin' Bane. The lead singer and backup drummer for the band, Zoom Around the Sound.

6 hours later~

Magnus had thrown a birthday party for his cat, Chairman Meow. It was a masquerade. Nothing formal except for a mandatory mask.

He was wearing a purple tux jacket and trousers with a yellow silk button-up with only a few buttons closed. A few long necklaces hung around his neck and several thin silver rings around his fingers and knuckles. He had an arrow ear cuff on and a few studs on the other ear.

But the show stopper was his mask. Because. It wasn't a mask at all.

Magnus had asked his make-up artist, Clary Fray, to paint an elaborate and very intricate design onto his face.

He was quite proud of the work. It had a midnight blue base with a silver and gold iridescent design. The colour seemed to shift as the light hit his face from different angles.

It spanned across his nose, curling sharply upwards and covering his forehead.

His usually spiked hair, was fluffy today. And gelled, it fell partly across his left eyebrow. The tips were highlighted in purple.

He sat on a barstool. Drinking limoncello. He usually enjoyed the crowd. To feel lost in a world of loud head-bangers and occasional hook-ups. But today he felt out of place.

When he went to the dance floor he felt as if he were watching himself across the room, alone. Out of focus.

So, he returned. He sat near the stool and tried to feel light with a glass full of lemon sugar and vodka.

"Ugh, Izzy I'm going to leave in exactly 3 more minutes. I don't care if this Magnus person knows we're here or not. Not as if he'd care to notice two college students who apparently got " invited" to his party. A masquerade party." A certain black jean-black shirt and leather-jacketed fellow with a silk black mask said to a sparkly black-haired girl, Izzy. She just patted him on the shoulder and walked towards the dance floor.

"So, this Magnus person would care to notice if you'd tell him your name?", Magnus said.

Leather Jacket turned around and OH HOLY SMOKES! He had blue eyes. Blue eyes and Black hair were Magnus's favourite combination. Magnus felt himself smile. Even though it crinkled his paint-on mask.

His celestial blue eyes were lined with black smokey eyeliner. Could he get any hotter?

"Oh, um. I am so freakin' sorry. No offence to you or your party, which is great by the way. I just don't like crowds and loud music." Oh god, that voice. Magnus could die right there.

"Magnus," he said as he smiled and extended his hand towards Blue Eyes.

"Alec." Alec shook his hands and stared at his drink.

"Is it good? I'm not much of a drinker."

"Yeah, it is actually. It's one of my favourites. Can I get you one?"


Magnus ordered one for Alec and turned back to the boy in the silk mask.

"So, Alec, what do you do except not like crowds and loud music?"

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