Destined Dandelions

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"Our love was made for movie screens."

"WAIT!" Magnus puffs out air, "Wait for me."

Magnus jumps over a log, cradled between a scatter of wayward dandelions and sits beside him on the edge of the mountain cliff.

The blue-eyed boy turns to face him. His face, ever-so-brilliant. The morning sun emerging from within the bed of clouds hits his eyes.

He smiles, his eyes crinkling.

Magnus takes in the beautiful sight with an internal sigh.

The early dewy morning sends a gush of air, rattling the bushes of dandelions and blowing his hair. Magnus had always wondered if it'd be soft to touch.

It brings him a whiff of Alec- the smell of sweat fused with... grass?

Magnus represses the urge to chuckle, and smiles back.

His eyes naturally drift towards the serenity of the scene below them. The pinhead-sized houses, the school buses which looked like yellow match sticks, the vast expanse of vibrant, cheerful trees and-

"Look," Alec chuckled. "The kids look like little ants," he said, pointing towards a field.

"Aaaand a few of them are wearing red, too!" Magnus showed excitedly.

Alec's laughter filled the air. He threw his head back, exposing his neck. Magnus couldn't help but steal a forbidden glance at the taut muscles in Alec's neck.

He blushed.

He looked away.

He focused on their shoes, dangling off the cliff edge.

They could hear the tired voices of others- their friends. However, they still hadn't reached the top of the hill yet.

Magnus had time.

Alec leaned forward, plucked a dandelion straw and handed it to Magnus.

Magnus shook his head fondly, and their shoulders touched.

Neither of them showed no sign of tearing apart.

Magnus leaned in ever-so-slightly.

Alec did too.

He smiled.

Magnus plucked another wayward straw of the flower and offered it to Alec with a wink.

There was a slight glint in Alec's eyes as he took it. It looked like he'd... blushed?

Magnus rationed not to think much of it.

The dandelion sticks shimmied in the breeze.

Magnus took out his polaroid camera and passed it to Alec. "Here," he said with his gleaming smile, "take a picture of this."

Their hands almost touched- as if they were conspiring against the atrocities of the world in fast murmurs- as they equipped them inside the frame of the camera.

The dewy blue sky and the green sweep of trees backgrounded the picture as the flowers fluttered.

Magnus laughed and blew on the sticks in their hands. The flower burst apart in a symphony of feather-light white fragments and flew away.

Alec clicked the picture.

He turned and looked at Magnus, with his eyes such a rare shade of blue, like the ocean bathed in the serene celestial light.

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