One Word. Two Syllables.

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His mind cant stop thinking. It cant help but repeat one word. Two syllables. Magnus.

His magnus.

The blurry blob of light reflected from the glitter particles flashes and unfocuses in front of his eyes.


The glitter is golden.


His eyes keep on starring as the blurry lines fuse together, and all he can see is bright light. And then the darkness engulfs him.

With one last thought on his mind.


He cant do this.

He cant let himself do this.

He forces his eyes open. His fuzzy vision returns.

And with his vision, returns the only thought churning through his mind since the last 17 days.


Its been 17days since he last talked to magnus.

17 days since magnus broke up with him.

17 days since he found out.

17 days since magnus was heart-broken.

17 days since alec got wounded.

17 days since they've hurt each other gravely.

Its Christmas.

The hustle of the gift paper, the chitter of the people, the roars of joy surround him, but his heart is conflicted with the tumultuous bitterness that it shouts at itself.

For hurting magnus.

For believing Camille.

For breaking magnus' trust.

The splash of red flashes across his eyes. It reminds him of the witchlight rune stone.

It reminds him of the shattered look in magnus' voice.

It reminds him of the broken aura of his love.

Its just another glitter flake.

The Christmas tree shines brightly, emitting warmth. But alec cant feel it.

He cant escape the pain. The coldness of it.

He needs his magnus.

He needs him.


A shiver runs down his body.

He cant let go. He needs to stay.

He knows he will find his way back to magnus. He cant leave magnus behind.

Magnus would never forgive him for that. He would forgive his mistake. But he could never forgive alec for taking his own life.

That's why he'd come here. One last time. To catch a glimpse of Magnus. His Magnus.

But he cannot do this. He cannot do it to Magnus. To himself. To them.

He needs to live for them.

He knows magnus. Magnus will understand.

He musters the courage to stand up.

He swiped a hand across his face, there were no tears left.

His eyes were red, his face puffy and tear stained.

The sound dials down.

He lights eventually go out.

The snow buries his shoes. He can feel it in his eyelashes.

The light inside the window tempts him.

The person inside the house tempts him more.

The thought of that person kills his heart further.

Magnus. His mind whispers again.




He feels a gush of warmth envelope him.

A pair of confused eyes stare at him.

A pair of green gold eyes.

Green gold.


Its magnus.

Lithe fingers wrap over his snow-drizzled shoulders and usher him inside.

A worries magnus wraps a fuzzy blanket over him. A towel is rubbed against his hair.

His cheeks are wet. Magnus. His magnus.

He'd thought there were no tears left. He's proven wrong. It seems to be uncontrollable.

Magnus' heart breaks at that.

He wraps his arms around alec. He sends small beams of magic to warm him up.

And alec just weeps.

He clings to magnus and cries his heart out.

Eventually, he mutters one word. The only word that seems to matter to him.


He buries his face deeper into magnus's chest and keeps on repeating the word. Two syllables. His religion. His magnus.




His breathe hitches.

"Magnus. Magnus, im sorry. Please. Magnus. Im sorry. Please. Forgive me. Magnus."

Magnus holds him tighter. "shhh, my love. Sleep. We will talk later."

"Magnus" alec repeats one last time.

He is shuddering.

His mind stuck to the word. He slips into unconsciousness eventually. In the place where he feels the safest. In Magnus' arms.

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