Silver Death and Sunlit Moon

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[He stumbled, the grass looked almost black. He knew what was coming, what was going to happen. The world was ending, The boy will be dead soon.

He was ready to let go when he felt a hand curl on his shoulder. He flicked his eyelashes and looked at the person standing in front of him.

The person wore a purple blazer. Purple. Bright Purple.

The colour was so bright it hurt his eyes. And that's when it hit him, in a world where everything was 50 shades of black, white and grey, only those who were lucky enough to find true love, their soul mate, could see colour.

That was when he realised what a terrible game fate had played with him.

A had found his soulmate when he was about to take his last breath... ]

Magnus switched to another app and looked at his notes.

A would blurt out about colours.

M could see A in vivid shades of blue and green and lilac and orange. Obviously, the colours didn't match.

The romance begins.

Also, M is Death.

Human x Death.

But Death is all fashionable and stuff. He wears bright colours. And sequins.

M would be mesmerised by A. he'd feel that his purpose has finally been fulfilled.

He'd still be sad to remove A from the human world though. Or would he? Figure it out later.

He had a basic idea of how the AU of his favourite series would go, he just needed to ponder over some details.

He wrote down the rest and hit send. His first chapter was published, of course, he didn't expect anyone to read it. He wrote them, so he wouldn't forget the sweet angsty and fluffy scenarios that ran in his head all day.

He shut his laptop down and wrapped the blanket around him tighter, ready to continue the story in his mind.

The next day he woke up to a Thumb Up on his fic. He was too shocked to realise that the person had also commented on the fic. He scrolled down and saw it.

Anonymous245: wow this is actually a really interesting plot!!! I AM VERY INTRIGUED now with how the boy is going to react. You are a great writer :D

Magnus was filled with energy to update the fic soon. He wrote down a few more points in his notes and left for college.

When he got back home, he immediately opened his laptop. He published the next chapter and went to sleep with a wide grin and his mind churning with ideas to continue to the story.

Magnus wasn't much of a writer, but he before long he began to post new chapters of his fic every night. His little Commenter, with their ever-encompassing reviews and theories about the characters and how the story would go on, encouraged Magnus to write more and more.

Soon, the readers were attracted and more and more comments and criticisms flooded in. His OG commenter always had Magnus's back. They fought those who said mean things to Magnus.

Magnus felt privileged.

Soon they became mutuals on Tumblr. And they had a username here!

DeathIsBlindSoIsLove asks: can i pleaseeeeee get a snippet? :(

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