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Nari's POV

" Oh my lord. Please. No! " Saena groaned as I dragged her into the karaoke room. I just have the feels to sing today.

I took the microphone and chose all the songs that I felt like singing. " Oh! " I sang.

" Sung Yido! You have 5 minutes to come if not I'm- " Saena eyed me before whispering something. I ignored her and continued signing.

After I'm done with the first few songs, I looked over at Saena, " Why do you choose all the sad songs? " She furrowed her brows.

That's when I realised,

It's true.

I shrugged, " Just felt like it. " She eyed me suspiciously before letting it slide.

" Alright, next up! Breathe! " I screamed into the microphone and that was when the door opened, revealing Yido.

He covered both of his ears, " Oh boy I'm not looking forward to hearing her sing." I glared at him as he walked over to the couch and sat beside Saena.

" Lady and Gentleman, I will be singing Breathe by Leehi! Thank you very much! " I screamed into the microphone causing them to cover their ears.

I eyed them, " Let's order some? " I tilt my hand slightly to show that I want to drink.

They nodded and went to order some drinks before coming back to the room. " I'm only human! " I screamed.

" Hi here are your drinks. " The employee came in with the drinks and I just chugged them down continuously.

Saena pulled the cup away from me, " Lee Nari, what the hell happened to you? " I shook my head.

" I don't know. " I placed the microphone down onto the table as I walked over to the couch and I just sat there in silence.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I buried my face in my hands.

Lucas's POV

" Thanks for today. " Bora said and I smiled slightly. I was about to leave when she grabbed onto my wrist, pulling me back.

She eyed me slightly before tiptoeing, attempting to kiss me but I pushed her away. " You know how I feel about Nari. " I said.

Bora chuckled as she nod, " Anyways, thanks for today. I had fun. " I nod as I smiled.

Just then, my phone rang.

" Can you come to the Karaoke room at Hongdae? Lee Nari and Sung Yido are drunk, I don't think I can bring the both of them ba- Lee Nari! Stop puking on people's floor! " She screamed.

She let out a sigh, " Sung Yido! Sit the freak down for heaven sake! "

I pursed my lips, " I'll go there now. " I said.

" You should go. " Bora said and I nodded before walking towards the streets.

I took a cab to the karaoke room and I walked over to the room that they were according to the room number that Saena sent me.

" 12,12- " I stopped right in front of room 12.

The moment I pushed opened the door, a strong stench of alcohol hit my face. " Thank god you're here. " Saena said while grabbing onto Yido's hair and Nari's arm.

" I'll take care of Yido and you'll take care of Nari. " She said and I nodded.

Saena grabbed Yido's arm, " Everybody! Han Saena is my girlfriend! " I eyed Saena and she pursed her lips.

" I'll explain to you another day. By the way, I've paid the bills already." I chuckled as I nodded. Saena dragged Yido out of the room and I walked over to Nari who is totally wasted.

I let out a sigh as I grabbed her by her arm, " Oh? Who are- Lucas? Wong Yukhei? Aren't you with your pretty girlfriend? " She giggled.

" She's not my girl- " She placed her index finger on my lips to shush me up.

While walking her home, I decide to piggyback her instead. " Why did you drink so much? " I asked and she began laughing hysterically.

" Because I feel uneasy. My heart doesn't feel good you know. " She leaned backwards slightly as she pat her heart.

She leaned her chin on my shoulder, " Why do I feel so uneasy when I see you and your pretty girlfriend just now? " I stopped walking as I looked to the side.

Nari groaned, " I don't know. It's the first time I'm feeling this way and I don't like it. " I smiled to myself.

I booked a cab and it came in time. I helped Nari into the cab before getting in. " Hi driver! Oh! I see that ring on your ring finger! You must be married! " She said while laughing.

The cab driver nodded while chuckling, " Do you have marriage questions to ask me? "

Nari shook her head, " It's not even marriage yet. How do you know you like your wife? " Nari asked as she leaned her head on my shoulder.

" It's just a feeling honestly. There's no definite reason why, but when you love someone you just love everything about her. That includes all the good parts about her and her flaws. " He said while smiling.

I looked over at Nari who is knocked out.

The driver chuckled, " Your girlfriend? "

I smiled, " Not yet. " He laughed.

" Well, I hope the very best for the both of you. " I thanked him and soon, we got to Nari's house.

He looked over at me, " It's going to be hard getting a cab here. I'll wait here while you get her inside. " I nodded.

" Thank you. " I said to the driver as I got Nari out of the cab.

I brought her up to her house and I rang the doorbell to reveal a guy. His eyes widened when he saw Nari and he quickly closed the door behind him.

I handed Nari over to him, " Thanks but who are you? " He eyed me suspiciously.

" I'm Lucas but you can- " He cut me off.

" I don't need to know your name. I just want to know how are you related to my sister. " I pursed my lips.

I smiled, " A friend. " He nod.

He thanked me and I quickly went back down to see the cab driver smoking as he leaned against the cab. When he saw me, he quickly got rid of the cigarette.

" Sorry about that. " I shook my head as I got into the cab.

" So how did the both of you meet? " He suddenly asked and I told him our entire story from the start till the end.

We began talking as if we've been long time friends. He gave me wise advice and I greatly appreciate it. Before I got off the cab, he looked over at me. " You must remember to treat her like a gem even after you got her. " I nodded.

When I got up to my house, " Wong Yukhei! " Granny Wang screamed at me as she took her walking stick to whack me.

" Where were you? " She smacked me again.

" I-I was with a friend and then I went to meet N-Nari! " I screamed and she stopped.

Jackson popped his head out of the room, " Nari? Is Nari the girl that you like? " Granny Wang's eyes widened as she looked over at me.

" You like Nari? " My face flushed.

Jackson scoffed, " Granny, you just realised it? He have been obsessing over her for a while now. " I glared at him.

" Hey, Nari is a good girl. If it's not her, I don't want any granddaughter-in-law. " Jackson gasped as he eyed me.

I nod.

" Same here. " I said.

" If it's not Nari, I don't want anyone else. "

28th Feb 2021

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