Mr. Choi

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??: Oh my god, Y/n! Are you okay?

I quickly turned around to see Irene. She had a worried look on her face.

Y/n: Irene! You're here!

Irene: Yes! You didn't respond to my messages anymore so I got worried and came here.

Y/n: Did you see everything?

Irene: Yes. I did.

I somehow felt relieved. Now we can go to our teachers and tell them about what just happened.

Y/n: Alright. Let's go to our teachers and tell them.

Irene: Do you think they're gonna suspend them?

Y/n: Huh? No, I don't think so but they're definitely gonna punish them.

Irene: But... What if BTS is going to get mad at us cuz we told the teachers?

I sighed. She was right. What if they're gonna bully us then...I'll let them go this time.

Irene: Besides that, we don't even know if that "poor" guy is really as poor as he seemed to be.

Y/n: True...

Irene: Let's just forget about it. Our next class is going to start in like... 5 mins?
Let's sit together *she smiles*

Y/n: Yeah, let's hurry!

I really don't know why, but I am mad. No one ever called me the b-word before.
They're so stupid. Argh, I hate them so much.
Luckily we don't have any classes together.

In the classroom

When Irene and I entered our classroom everyone was being super noisy.

Irene and I immediately sat down at our table.
We started to unpack our bags when we heard girls infront of us talking about the upcoming party next week.

Irene: Did you get an invitation?

She was talking about the party.

Y/n: Yes. And you?

Irene: Same. Do you plan to go to the party?

Y/n: Me?! Hell no. You know I don't like crowded places.

Irene: I know but-...We could go there together. You've never been to any parties before, we gotta change that.

Y/n: I'm not going.

With that, a male teacher entered our classroom and everyone around us immediately sat down.

Y/n: Who is that guy?

I whisper asked Irene.

Irene: I have no idea.

Teacher: Hello class! My name is Mr. Choi and I'm your new maths teacher.

 Choi and I'm your new maths teacher

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