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BTS pov

Like we said, we wanted to visit Y/n but she wasn't at home. Her mom told us, that she's with her friend Irene. They're currently at the mall.


We were walking in an alley to find some possible drug dealers when we suddenly heard someone screaming in fear.

We directly snapped our head in the direction from where the scream came from.

Jimin: Is that Y-Y/n?

He asked.

Jin: I- I think so.

Hobi& JK: What the fuck?!

Suga: Who are those fuckers behind her?!

V: They are scaring her!

He said while gritting his teeth.

RM: Wow, I guess Y/n just found those drug dealers.

He said in a dangerously calm voice.

Y/n: L-leave me alone!

She started crying.

(Author pov)
They all got furious as soon as Y/n started crying. They balled their hands into fists. Jimin and Jungkook immediately stormed to Y/n. Jungkook grabbed her wrist while the others (rest of bts) decided to keep their distance but they all had a blank psychotic face on.

-Back to Y/n's pov :)-

Jungkook: Y/n, go to the others. I'll beat those fuckers up.

Jimin: Yah! You mean "we" will beat those fuckers up!

Jungkook nodded.

I looked over to see the rest of BTS and they all looked super scary or I better say:"INTIMIDATING".

Oh noooo, helppppp!

Y/n: What?! No!

Jungkook and Jimin glared at me.

Hobi: Hey Y/n! Come here!

He shouted.

Y/n: N-no! Please leave!

In a second Jimin lifted me over his shoulder and brought me to his other brothers. He then let me down.

Jimin: Stay here.

He said in a raspy voice.

And with that he ran back to Jungkook.

V: Y/n! Who are they?!

He asked.

But before I could answer his question Jin came up to me and hugged me tightly.

I was shocked.

Jin: Are you okay, princess?

He asked.

Wtf?! princess??

The others also seemed to be a bit confused..

Y/n: Y-yeah...I am.

Jin then gently strocked my hair but when his hands touched my cheeks he got worried again.

Jin: Princess, you're freezing!

He then he took off his jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders. He hugged me once more before carrying me in bridal style.

Uhmmm, why is he being nice?!

RM: Hyung! What are you doing?!

He asked.

Jin glanced over his shoulder and said,

Jin: I'll get her in our car. She is freezing.

He quickly glanced over to Jimin and Jungkook.

Jin: Y'all better hurry the fuck up.

The others nodded.

After that Jin carried me into their car.

In the car

Jin made me sit on his lap (so that my back was leaning against the window) while hugging me.

Jin: Is it warmer now?

He asked worriedly.

I quickly nodded. I felt safe in his embrace.


Because of all the warmth and hugging I started feeling tired.

I decided to trust Jin more so I hugged him back and buried my face into his chest.

At first, Jin was kind of surprised by my sudden action but the shock quickly fade away and he started smiling.

He continued stroking my hair and I started sleeping.

Jin: Sleep tight...my princess.

He whispered without letting me go.

10 minutes later the others finally came.

They opened the door.

RM: Hyu-

Jin shushed him.

Jin: Shhh, don't you see that Y/n's sleeping?!

He whisper yelled at him.

RM: Um, sorr-

Jin: Shhh.

RM was getting annoyed while the others (expect Jin and Y/n) tried their best to not laugh.

They all got into the car.

Jimin decided to sit next to Jin.

Jimin: Hey, aren't you tired? I could take care of-

Jin cut him off.

Jin: Would you shut up? You won't ever take my spot.

Jimin glared at him.

Hey everyone!

I hope you're doing well ✨

I just wanted to thank y'all again for over 1k views. I still can't believe it, it makes me SO happy🥺


See you soon! 🤗

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