something not so human?

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Now we were all encountered in one room. 7 scary looking "monsters" were staring at us through their bony masks, ready to attack. They were tall, very tall: they were nothing like my so called stepbrothers that the guy -whose name I still didn't know- and I wanted to save.
Now it looked like there needed to be someone to save us from them.

My hands were shaking from all the stress and panic at once.

Y/n: Don't you remember me?

I whispered. But it didn't sound like a whisper, the silence in the whole entire house was enormous.

I was shocked because they all still seemed so aggressive towards me. I knew BTS, they were always kind of aggressive or atleast grumpy all day long but..this was different. Now these masked people almost seemed like wild animals watching their prey.

They were still holding their weapon like "guns" towards us when the guy infront of me suddenly fell to the floor.
He was bleeding heavily from his leg. I didn't even notice he was injured.

Guy: Y/n, leave!

He coughed so hard that blood started dripping onto the floor. Candlesticks made the red spots visible.

My eyes widened but before I could reach down to him two of the masked ones pushed me away to the other side of the room. I whined in pain before managing to see what was going on.

I started crying seeing the scene infront of me. The two masked ones that pushed me away were bending over the guy "drinking" the leaking blood. Slurping noises were heard and it seemed to satisfy them.

My eyes widened while the guy screamed in pain as they sucked on his open wound. I wasnt able to see their faces- it was too dark but I was sure that whoever these 7 monsters were, they were not my stepbrothers I used to live with. I was sure about that.

Minutes that seemed like hours have passed until their job was done. I couldn't hear the guy's breathing anymore. It was silent again. only my crying that I couldn't stop could be heard.

They were talking to each other in a language I didn't know. It didn't even sound like a normal language people would talk to each other. It sounded aggressive, cold and almost ancient.

I heard footsteps coming towards me.

*tip tap tip tap*

I immediately looked up and screamed when one of them ran towards me. He stopped infront of me and bent down. He had this large bony mask on his face. It was awful. He started smelling my hair that got wet from the rain outside.

Y/n: please don't hurt me

I yelled in panic to stop him from whatever he was doing and it worked. He flinched and the other suddenly came running towards us and then everything went black. I got knocked out.

I woke up with a headache. My whole body hurt. I groaned in pain but I couldn't move. They tied me to a chair. I was so cold, scared and sad. I would have given everything to come save bts but now this? I expected everything but this.

I was trapped in this cold wet room that felt like a cell. Only the moonlight was shining inside from a window. I was able to look outside from my spot. The moon was beautiful. I think I've never seen such a beautiful full moon before. The view gave me hope although deep down I knew this was the end. There was just no possible end for me.

That's when I remembered my mom and how she would comfort me now whenever I'd feel sad.
I looked around and stopped when i saw something moving.

I couldn't talk because they had also taped my mouth shut so I was just whining since i knew one of them was in here with me..

??: i am not here to hurt you.

My eyes widen. I was surprised that he was talking. usually they would communicate in a language I wasn't even aware of exists.

??: please calm down.

He lightened a candle so i could see him. I got scared at first since he was still wearing that costume with his mask which looked pretty creepy.

He came closer and made a gesture that he wanted to remove the tape. He looked at me in the eyes and I reassured him I wouldn't scream.

He nodded and quickly removed the tape from my mouth.

I felt relieved but was still scared of course.

He sat down infront of me and mustered me for a couple of seconds.

??: we are just not used to have guests here.

He chuckled.

Y/n: Please just let me go! I was just searching for-

??: whatever you were searching for isn't here.

I think so too.

Y/n: i- well, then please let me leave.


He took a few seconds to think of an answer. He stared at me and suddenly said

??: I don't think we can do that yet.

Y/n: but why?

??: We've never really got to encounter human beings before. Just once.

I gasped out of shock. Does that mean they're not..human?

Y/n: what are you talking about?

I heard someone shouting something from downstairs.

??: I should go now. I know you need sleep to survive so do so. I'm sure everything will be clear soon.

And then he left. He was gone.

Are they watching me? Who are they? Where am I?
So many questions yet there are no answers.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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