"see y'all in hell"

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—-A few days later—-
Y/n's pov

It was the day before the wedding which also meant: the last day here at home.

Of course I was happy for my mom, but what about me?

Felix and I had gotten much closer! He's not that bad after all.

To my surprise, BTS didn't come to school the past couple of days. I wondered if I'd see them tomorrow.

Hopefully not.

Felix agreed to come to my mother's wedding so I wouldn't be alone.

And also, mom wanted to meet him. I really hope she won't embarrass me infront of everyone. That would be a nightmare!


*knock knock*

Y/n: Yeah?

Mom: Hey, Y/n! I wanted to ask you something.

Y/n: Oh, what is it?

I asked curiously.

Mom: Uhhm, well I know it's a little short-term, but I want you to perform something tomorrow.

Y/n: WHAT?! No!

Mom: Please, Y/n, you could sing something. You have an amazing voice!

Y/n: No-

Mom: Please, Y/n. It's my wedding..

Y/n: You know I don't like attention,Mom.

Mom: Y/n, I know you can do it! 

Y/n: mom..

Mom: Y/n, please. Your brothers are gonna perform too!

Oh, so now she's comparing us?

Y/n: Okay. I'll sing.

Mom: Okay! Make me proud!

And with that she left my room.

Oh god,what did I do?

I guess I have to prepare everything now. Tomorrow's the big day..

See y'all in hell.

Hii, so this is just a filler (nothing special!!).
And I'll try to post the next part as soon as possible haha.

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