Mom's secret

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Irene: Okay. I'll tell you. I wanna go there because of...Yuta.

Y/n: Yuta? Who's that?!

I was confused. Who is that guy?

Irene: He's in our school. He's just a few years older than me. And well...I really like him.

Y/n: Waittt- you're telling me you have a crush...? And that also on the phone?
I thought you're my friend.

I pouted.

Irene: Yah! I'm sorry. Don't be dramatic though.

Y/n: So you and're friends?

Irene: Not yet...I mean we talked and he seemed pretty nice. He told me he's planning to go to that party next week. I wanna go there so bad, Y/n. Pleaseee!!

Y/n: Irene! You need to chill. gosh...

Irene: Right. Sorry.

Y/n: Even if I'd go there with you, I really don't wanna be the third wheel or something.

Irene: I promise I won't make you feel that way. But pleasee come with me.

Y/n: Okay. I'll think about it.

Irene: Yayyy, Y/n you're the best!!

Y/n: Anyways, I'm at home. Gotta go. See you.

Irene: Bye!

I hung up.

Y/n: Gosh. That girl is driving me nuts.
I can't believe I'm going to that party with her.

I whined.

I made my way towards our house front door and quickly opened it.

In the house

Y/n: Mom?!

I shouted, hoping to get back an answer.
But no.

I sighted.

Y/n: I guess she's still at work. Aish. I wish I had a sibling so I won't be alone anymore.

Again I started pouting.

After a while I got bored so I started doing my homework.
2 hours passed and there's still no sign of my mom.

Y/n: Where is she?

I decided to call her but she didn't pick up her phone.

I started getting really worried.

Y/n: What if something happened to her? Alright, lemme call at her work.

Since I knew in which company she's working at I started dialing in the company's telephone number.

A few seconds later, a female voice started talking to me.

Mrs : G'day and welcome to "Hanwha-Kim's Company". How can I help you?

Y/n: Ohh, hello! Umm, I just wanted to know if my mom already left? She works in your Company...

Mrs: What's her name?

Y/n: My mom is Mrs. Park.

Mrs: Ahhh, yeah. She already left an hour ago.

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