Suga's sad past

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-TW: murder, violence-

Mom and Dad just left for their honeymoon and I was sitting at a table in the livingroom, painting.

My brothers were in their rooms.

Maid: Can I get you something, Y/n?

She asked all of a sudden.

Y/n: Oh no, I'm good.

She smiled at me.

Maid: Okay. Just call whenever you need me. I'll be there immediately!

I wasn't used to that kind of service. When I was still in my old home I was taught to do things on my own. Like..I'm not a queen or something.

Y/n: Okay.

The maid went back into the kitchen to continue doing the dishes.

Suga: What are you doing?

He asked and sat down across me at the table.

Y/n: I'm just painting a bit.

Suga got out his laptop and started typing something in. His hands moved so fast like- that guy really knows what he's doing with that laptop.

Suga: You could have just said: "I'm doing boring stuff."

He rolled his eyes at me.

Y/n: What are you doing here?

Suga: The fork? I live here! Longer than you by the way.

Y/n: Yeah, but why you being mean. I was literally just doin' my stuff here.

This time, I rolled my eyes at HIM!

Suga: Y/nnnnn, don't be such a Karen. I was just joking.

He rolled his eyes at me.

Y/n: Mhhmm. Can you go now?

Suga: Why?

Y/n: Cuz I wanna paint now.

Suga: So? Paint then.

Y/n: But I don't wanna get bothered by-

Suga: By whom?

Y/n: By you.

Suga: You do know that you're in the livingroom ,which means it's NOT your private room.

He continued typing something on his laptop.

Y/n: What are you doing?

Suga: None of your business.

Y/n: Well it's just impressive how fast you can type.

Suga: Ehh, thanks?

I continued to paint when I noticed Suga looking at me.

Y/n: Do you wanna paint too?

Suga: Me? Nah.

Y/n: But it's really fun! And stress relieving!

Suga frowned at me for a sec before giving in.

Suga: Well then..

He closed his laptop and grabbed one of my blank papers and started drawing something on it.

Y/n: Wow! That looks good, Suga.

He frowned at me.

Suga: Suga?

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