Dad is a monster!

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—TW: abuse, violence———————

Suga: Where is Jimin?

Jin: With Dad..

Suga: What are they doing?

Jin: Nothing good.

Suga: Ugh, is he beating him again?

Jin nodded.

Jungkook: I hate it here fuck!

Jungkook angrily kicked a random chair in the room.

Jungkook: Why couldn't his honeymoon have lasted a bit longer. It was so peaceful without hi-

Jin: JUNGKOOK! Don't you dare to disrespect him.

J-Hope: Yeah, Kookie. You know how Dad is..

RM: Anyways, we should continue with our research. I don't know if I can trust Y/n anymore..

V: I never did.

Suga: RM is right. Should we tell Dad about it though?

Jungkook: Not yet. What if he gets mad at Y/n? What if he hurts h-her?

Everyone in the room tensed a bit.

Would Dad really get that far? Would he hurt Y/n?

Suga: I honestly don't think Dad would do that.

Jin: Why wouldn't he? Poor Jimin..

Suga: I know but well I don't think he would want to get into trouble with Y/n's mom.

J-Hope: But Jimin could also tell mom about it. I think mom would get really angry at Dad.

RM: He would never! Dad would kill him if he'd do that.

V: Can we focus on our researches now? I wanna know if that bitch's involved with the fucking Japanese mafia.


Jungkook: Y/n? Why would she be involved with them?

Jin: Yeah. Y/n's not a criminal!

V: Bruh. How do you know? The Japanese Mafia wouldn't just go after her if she didn't do anything to them. They want revenge and I'm here for it.

He smirked.

Jungkook: Hyung!

Jin: Jungkook is right. How can you say that? We all know she's not a criminal.

RM: Suga, what else was on that website?

Suga: Well those pictures of her, some background info and a detailed description.

RM: Damn okay.

V: So y'all really wanna fight Yakuza? They're really high ranked..I heard they're brutal asf!

Jungkook: So are we, Duh!

V glared at JK.

V: I know..

J-Hope: If we really wanna fight them..then we need a plan asap! We don't know when or if they're gonna attack us.

V: You mean when they're gonna attack her!
Not us.

Jin sighed.

Jin: You're giving me a headache, Taehyung.

Jungkook: Yeah! She's one of us now.

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