dark beach

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Dad: You look pretty today, Y/n.

Dad said while chugging on his drink. We all were currently having lunch at the table.

I sat besides Dad. Well he actually made me sit besides him. V wasn't at the table ,so Jin sat on his chair instead.

I hummed in response.

Dad: Y/n, mind passing the salt over to me?

He asked.

Y/n: sure.

I reached out for the salt and passed it towards him.

Dad: Alright, Y/n..I have some important news for you.

He said while putting on some extra salt on his potatoes.

I curiously watched his every movement.

Dad: You will be going back to school starting from next Monday.


I almost shouted it out.

RM: Jeez, looks like someone's happy to go to school. Not like others..

He looked over to Jungkook who was busy eating his food.

Dad: Yes. You're going back to school under one or two conditions.

Y/n: okay.

Dad: You're not allowed to talk to your friends again-

Y/n: What about Felix?

Jin: No one, Y/n.

He strictly ordered.

Dad: Actually, you're not allowed to have or make any new friends.

Y/n: But-

Suga: stop being freaking annoying.

Jungkook: no means no.

Dad: Y/n. You're at school for studying. Not for having friends.

I looked down at my plate.

Y/n: Okay. I understand.

Jimin: You don't even need friends, Y/n. Don't you wanna hang out with your favorite bro?

He joked.

He, well no, all of them acted as if nothing ever happened. It was weird seeing them like that. I mean, ofc, that's what I wanted. I wanted everything to go back to normal but nothing was the same anymore. I wasn't the same anymore. It kinda creeped me out.

I let out a smile- not because I was happy, but because I didn't wanna ruin the moment.

Dad: Good. Now that everything's settled-

Suddenly Dad's phone started ringing.

Dad: Please excuse me. That's an important call.

He excused himself before heading into his office.

After he left it got quiet at the table. No one wanted to break the uncomfortable silence.

We were done having lunch anyway so I decided to get up without saying anything.

——timeskip: Y/n's room———-

I felt sick of staying at home all day long. It's been weeks since I got out of the house.

Y/n: But were could I go..?

I asked myself while walking up and down my room.

All of a sudden I heard some weird noises coming from outside.

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