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Today's such a stupid day. I couldn't stop thinking about Irene and her new "friend".
How can she replace me like that??

Irene was my one and only friend at school. Yeah, I admit: I'm an introvert. I actually "hate" people, well, I don't hate them but I really hate attention and I'm really bad in making new friends.

I guess I need to work on myself if I don't want to stand there alone.

I just don't understand how Irene could do that to me. I mean, I get that the thought of being somehow related to BTS is scary but...it's not my fault, right?

It's not my fault that BTS's dad and my mom are dating. And I mean, they're adults and they can do whatever they want.

I just can't believe that I lost her. Does she really think it's easy for me to have BTS as my "brothers"?? I mean yeah, they saved me but still.

I'm just sad, but maybe it's really better to keep my distance from BTS.


I sighed, but then I suddenly heard my mom calling me from downstairs.

Mom: Y/n! Are you ready to leave?

Y/n: Yeah mom, coming...

I made my way downstairs to leave.

Mom told me to wear something extra nice today, and that's what I look like.

Mom told me to wear something extra nice today, and that's what I look like

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I quickly walked downstairs.

Mom: Wooow, Y/n! You look amazing!

Mom started getting emotional so I quickly reminded her that we needed to leave.

Y/n: Thanks mom, but we need to leave!

Mom: Oh right! Let's go~

She then hugged me and we went towards the car.

30 minutes later we arrived at Mr.Kim's house.

I don't know why, but every time we're here I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable. Like yeah, Mr.Kim is really nice but I don't know...There's this weird aura...

Aish, stop overthinking Y/n!

We were walking towards the door when a man ran towards us.

Dad: Honeyyyy~~

He got closer and closer and as soon as he reached us, he picked up my mom and hugged her.

Dad: I missed you so much, honey!

My mom started giggling while I started feeling single af. Nah, just kidding I really ship mom and Mr.Kim togehter, they're a great couple.

Mom: Aww, I missed you too my love!

Mr. Kim started kissing her passionately -again.


I awkwardly looked away.

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