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Andy: If you don't stop yelling at me, I'll bite you.

He had this blank face on. I didn't like it at all.
I had a really, really bad feeling.

Suddenly Irene spoke up.

Irene: What's the matter with you?!

She stood up and took my hand.

Irene: Let's get out of here, Y/n.

I nodded and was about to stand up when Andy started laughing like a maniac.

I froze.

Andy then stood up and ran to Irene. He pulled her by the hair and pushed her to the floor.

Andy: You better not mess with me. You bitch.

He again started laughing while Irene was just in shock.

Y/n: Yah!!! Are you crazy?!

I yelled.

Andy: Stop. Yelling.

He glared at me.

I didn't care and ran up to Irene to help her get up.

Y/n: Irene! Are you okay?!

Irene: Y-yeah. Don't w-worry...

She started sobbing because of the pain.

I then took Irene's hand and we rushed out of the store.

We were running like crazy towards the exit.

I knew he was following us....

Outside the mall (in the parking lot)

Y/n: Irene! Listen to me. He is following us.

Irene: I know.

Y/n: You drive to your home and I'll walk.

Irene: What the fork! Are you crazy?!

She snapped.

Irene: Get in my car. Now!

Y/n: Irene, he wants me. Not you.

I sighed

Y/n: I don't want him to find out what car you have nor our locations.

Irene just stared at me like if I had lost my mind.

Irene: Y/n! You are insane. It's already dark outside. Your mom will kill you for sure.

She shook her head in disbelief.

Y/n: Please go now. I want you to be safe.
Trust me, I'll get home. Safely.

Irene: Y/n...I'm warning you...if you get hurt.

Y/n: Go now.

And with that she pulled off and I started running out of the parking lot.

Outside the parking lot

I kept running down the streets. I thought I left him (Andy) behind.

It was so dark outside. I got really scared.

I stopped running when I suddenly spotted three other guys standing in the same alley in which I was.

There was no other way. I needed to use that alley.

I could feel them staring at me.

I kept walking but I couldn't help but to glance back at them. Their eyes...they were pitch black.

God, please help me.!

And then suddenly I heard someone talking to me.

Guy 1: Hey! Would ya mind staying with us tonight,Hmm?

I stopped walking, but I didn't dare to turn around to face them.

Guy 3: Yeah, you're so p- *hicks* pretty!

Guy 2: Come here, girl!

Are they on some kind of drug??

I didn't move. I never thought something like that would ever happen to me. My whole body was shaking.

And then suddenly I heard Andy's voice behind me.

Andy: Here you are!

He said licking his lips.

And with that I started running as fast as I could. But...they were all chasing after me.

I kept looking behind me to see where they are when I suddenly saw some guys standing on the other side of the street. I knew exactly who they were, but I wasn't sure if they would help me.

They were staring at me and I stared right back at them.

Andy: There she is! Get her!

Andy and the guys from earlier started chasing after me again and I couldn't help but to cry while running again.

Y/n: Leave me a- alone!!!

I said in between my sobbs.

Then suddenly one of those other guys (from the other side of the street) ran towards me like a flash and held my arm.

And it was no other than Jungkook.

Hey everyone,
I hope you're doing great!

I knowwww, it's been so long since I last updated but I wasn't feeling well the past days/ weeks.

I'm not sure whether today's episode is great or not but umm, I just wanted to update something on here to let y'all know that I'm still alive! 🥺🌸

Oh and like always, feel free to comment down below what you think of this hihi!

See you soon~🤗

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