The Lukes Dates

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With Nyomi with Dylan she just says "You haven't spoken to me in over 24 hours and now you decide to come talk to me just when two new boys enter the villa and you didn't join me this morning like you normally do.

"Well you didn't ask me...." Dylan

"Well I shouldn't have to because you should want to join me and not have me ask you to do everything with me you should want to do it and not have me force you into it." Nyomi interrupted.

"Well I didn't join you sat with Luke M" he said his name with a bit of distaste "you two looked pretty close together when we were watching from the balcony"

"I was being nice to him, you didn't hear me having such a go when you were having Rebecca join and you enjoying her lap dance" She knew she was being a bit petty but she wanted to know if he was really interested in her or if she was being played a bit. "What do you want with this because if your not going to talk to me and then only come be a closer to me when new people enter that won't work as more people will arrive and you can't then want me all the time just to be protective of whats "yours" just to then leave me when they settle in and show that they don't want to be with me anymore and leave me alone"

"You're just being immature now you're just showing how old you really are." Dylan turned this into more of Paige and Finn's argument that was happening up on the balcony above them.

"Don't bring my age into this you're not just older than I am don't be a little shit and fuck with me cos i don't want another relationship like my last one cos I'm not going through that again." She got up during this and went inside and went into the dressing room where Paige came into a few minutes later with Finn by her side and they went straight into a hug and Finn left them together so she could talk to her in private.


Paige and Nyomi came into a conversation with Shaughna and Connor that they heard from the dressing room as she told Paige she'd tell her when Siannise gets back from her date. When Finn arrived he gave Nyomi a hug and she blanked the conversation as she sat there thinking over her conversation with Dylan and then Sophie came in interrupting her thoughts as she went off with Connor as soon as she arrived.


When Siannise Luke squared and Jess arrived back they girls all went off together and sat together. Siannise date went really well and she thought she had known him for years. Jess said that he was very different to anyone she had ever been with but they really got along and she was happy. Nyomi was definately willing to step back to let Jess see what would happen as she hadn't had success in the villa so far

With Dylan and the boys. Luke T's date went really well and it has been easy to get to know her on that one date. Luke M thought that there was a spark on his date with Jess but he still wanted to get to know Nyomi as he had his eyes on her when they walked in the villa and met each other. This was when Dylan said that he isn't her type which wasn't true he is her type and she prefers personality and Finn made note to tell Nyomi what Dylan had said because he knew she would want to know what he said. They both said they will see what happens.


Before anyone came inside to get ready for bed Nyomi took Siannise and Paige off to the dressing room to talk to them about what happened and Siannise didn't know what had happened while she was out so she told them about the argument and what happened truthfully to a t and didn't miss a point out and how she doesn't know what to do as everyone was so happy but if he was gonna act like that then she didn't know what to do and if she wanted to continue in a couple with him.

Siannise and Paige just pulled her into their arms for a hug as they knew that was what she needed. Siannise remembered that Nyomi said something when the new boys arrived and she told then that she thought Luke M was fit but she doesn't want to tread on Jess' toes as she hasn't had any success in a couple.

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