Babies In The Villa

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After they had all found out who each couple had voted for Nyomi and Luke M, Luke T and Siannise and Paige and Finn were all safe from elimination. 


They all walked away from the fire pit apart from Luke T, Luke M, Paige, Finn, Siannise and Nyomi and Nyomi watched as Luke T got a bit too close to the fire behind him. They spoke about what they had just done with them being the only safe couples. Nyomi said they chose Molly and Callum as they were unsure about Callum with it all. 

We all agreed that at least one voted off of friendships in the villa and not genuine connections. Both of the Luke Squared couples think that they maybe overlooked Dylan and Demi's relationship. 

Everyone was so tense and Nyomi was upset as she had voted for a friend that she has. 


Molly was pulled by Nyomi as she told her more in depth why she told her. Nyomi told her that she chose them as she was unsure of how Callum felt as it more often seemed that Molly was showing their relationship more. 


Nyomi and Siannise walked over to their two boys who were talking to Paige and Finn as the safe couples were together. The two girls were so stressed over it before they spoke about how cute Paige and Finn are together. And how Paige felt after it and Siannise brought up how Finn and Nyomi ended up going on a date. 

This was before everyone went to go get changed after the dramatic night and everyone was a little tense with it all

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This was before everyone went to go get changed after the dramatic night and everyone was a little tense with it all. Before they all got in bed and Nyomi and Luke M cuddled a kissed a bit before they went to sleep


The next morning they were all woken up by crying babies as it was finally the baby challenge. Nyomi rolled over and groaned as she joked that she didn't even remember giving birth or telling her brother. Nyomi ran to where the babies where with Finn and she grabbed her child and the child was a little girl. Luke M was out not long after. They were both very calm with the baby. Nyomi grabbed her child and got him dressed and he stayed very quiet once he was in Luke M's arms and he stayed quiet even when he was swapped between the two. 

They were in the beach hut and Luke M announced their baby is called Siren Lukeanne Mabbott. Nyomi made it known that Lukeanne was chosen by Luke. 


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