Snog Marry Pie

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It was the next morning and they weren't allowed to tell anyone who they had chosen to vote for

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It was the next morning and they weren't allowed to tell anyone who they had chosen to vote for. Nyomi shared her bed with Mike and was woken up by Finn and Paige.

When Wallace walked in he asked if anyone wanted breakfast which ended up being an avocado on toast joke for Rebecca causing everyone to laugh. And for Rebecca to say she didn't want any.


All of the girls felt as sense of doom approaching

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All of the girls felt as sense of doom approaching.

With the boys Mike and Dylan both say they do feel unsafe because they are the two in a friendship couple.


Everyone seemed to be acting weird with everyone because of the choosing last night. This however didn't stop Nyomi from doing her workout and she heard Luke Squared in the background of her working out. Nyomi would occasionally pipe something into their conversation causing some tension to be lifted.

Nyomi heard that Jess was trying to play tactically with it all which caused Nyomi to think of the worst that they voted for her and Mike and that Luke M was alright with it happening. Nyomi turned and went upstairs during the conversation like she didn't care and that was when Luke T asked him if he had told her that he was wanting to get to know her and he realised that he would need to do it today as there is the dumping tonight.


Later in the morning Luke M came and found Nyomi and she was making herself some fried rice with the left over rice from the other day that wasn't used during the tea.

Luke was going to take her away from the kitchen but Nyomi wouldn't leave her pan as she didn't trust other people not to 1)steal her food and 2)burn the food.

This caused him to tell her that he wanted to get to know her properly other than just Jess and he wanted to start from the beginning so they did and they spoke for a long time before Mike got a text as they were watching some of the boys play around with a large yoga ball and getting to know each other more. "Islanders it's time to put your feelings out there as you all play Snog, Marry, Pie. #stickitonem #takeitonthechin"

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