Casa Amor

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Once Wallace and Sophie had gone home Luke M had  grabbed Nyomi for a chat to properly see what was going to happen and they spoke for quite a while mostly speaking about what they wanted and this ended with them snogging on the daybeds while everyone was getting ready for bed and they walked down the stairs together and said they would only tell Luke T and Siannise and Paige and Finn.


Getting changed for the two of them they were a bit down but still a little bit smiley and they hid what had happened really well

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Getting changed for the two of them they were a bit down but still a little bit smiley and they hid what had happened really well. Before everyone got into bed with Nyomi wanting to sleep on the couch Luke M joined her in the middle of the night and they cuddled for the night with Luke M kissing her forehead once he got up and woke her up so she could come back into the bedroom and they both woke up before the lights turned on. And Mike shared their bed with Jess. 

In the bedroom Nyomi joined Luke M in the bed as she cuddled into his chest and they cuddled as Finn asked then what they were going to do and they weren't going to be hypocrites to them. 


Getting ready for the day Nyomi sat talking to Siannise and told her she needed to tell Paige and her something

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Getting ready for the day Nyomi sat talking to Siannise and told her she needed to tell Paige and her something. But she didn't get the chance to as the other girls walked in to get ready and Nyomi passed Luke M on her way out and she got a hug before she ran upstairs to make herself a smoothie for when she had finished working out. 


With all of the girls together down by the fire pit the boys were all together in the day beds. 

With the boys they had now gotten a text while the girls were talking about the night prior. Nas told all the boys to be quiet as he read the text and Luke T and Luke M and Finn were dreading the text to come: "Boys keep it quiet, it's time for you to sneak out of the villa without the girls knowing as your off on a lads holiday. Please pack a bag and leave the villa immediately. #casaamor #ifyouknowyouknow" Luke M wasn't that excited as he was really starting to get to know Nyomi properly and they had kissed the night before and now he wasn't allowed to tell them that he was leaving but he wanted her to stay single for him and he would for her. They boys were all shocked and stayed silent until they got into the beach hut where they all heered even Luke M Luke T and Finn even if it was them trying to be happy while the other boys freaked out. 

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