Chapter 1

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 It was a day like any other, really hot. The middle of summer in England was nothing if not brutally hot, in Lily's opinion. She took a seat at the small kitchen table. Lily was wearing a pair of very short jean shorts and a faded Beatles T-shirt, with a deep v-neck cut out roughly. Lily was holding a cup of coffee in her hands debating whether or not to drink it. There was air-conditioning inside her house, but the window was open and heat was seeping in. Die of heat stroke or have to dump her life line into the sink?

Before Lily could decide, a white snowy owl swooped into the room and perched on the edge of the Evans' island. Lily abandoned her coffee and went to the owl's leg where a letter was attached. The letter was written in tall slanted writing 1 Lily recognized at once as James Potter's. Lily rolled her eyes as a reflex, but nevertheless she ripped open the cream envelope and it read:

Dear Lily,

I know that you most likely rolled your eyes when you saw my owl. But, I know you Lily, you opened the letter anyway. I really hate to do this over letter, but I cannot get away from the house. Marlene's parents have just passed. They were attacked by death eaters. The only people who survived the attack were the people who weren't there, Marlene and her older brother Rick. Rick and Marlene are here at my house. Since, you know, we are cousins. Rick has to go back to the Ministry in a matter of minutes. Marlene hasn't opened up to anyone. I really think that she may open up to you. We could really use your help. I was wondering if you would stay at my house for the rest of the summer to help Marlene. If you can write me back as soon as possible.

With hope,


Lily frowned and felt something sink within her. She hadn't known the McKinnon's very well, but Marlene was her best friend. Lily felt terrible for her friend and for James. James had lost his  aunt and uncle. Lily grabbed a piece of parchment and scribbled a letter saying that she would go there. She packed a back quickly and left a note for her parents. Lily was pretty sure that her parents would be okay with it. She would write her parents when she got there.

She waited outside for James to come. She started to sweat from just sitting outside.

James apparated in front of her with a pop. Lily flinched.

Lily's stomach dropped as she read the shirt up to wipe off his face revealing his six pack abs. Lily rolled her eyes at his showing off. Lily wasn't particularly athletic like Marlene, but she wasn't unathletic per say. That was when Lily realized that his eyes were a little red and puffy. Lily felt guilty for her lack of tears when she found out the awful news, she started to tear up. "Nice place," James said, trying to break her train of thought.

"Um, thanks." Her voice cracked on the last word. She sniffed, she wasn't sure if it was a breath hitching or if it was the result of the news.

"Are you okay?" he asked her.

"I'm fine," Lily reassured him a bit unconvincingly. She was crying because of the letter. She hadn't felt it. She wiped her tears away. Then she realized how rude she was being. "How are you?"

James shrugged. "I've been better, But I am nowhere near how awful Marlene is feeling." Lily picked up her bag and strained. James noticed and took it from her.

Lily scowled, "I-"

"I know," James agreed. But, he still didn't hand her bag back to her. Lily bit her lip so as to not say anything rude or that would start a fight in his times and was acting differently, his hand up. She took his hand and he apparated them to his home. It was large but Lily wasn't focused on looking at her surroundings. Before she could ask James said, "She's up the stairs to the right." James told her.

Lily walked up the staircase and went down the hall to the right.

Lily knocked on the door. There was no response. "Marlene, I know that you are in there," Lily called. She tried the door handle and luckily it was unlocked because she had left her wand in her bag downstairs. "Hey Marls," Lily said. She walked over to the expansive bed and saw her best friend lying face down on the bed, her dirty blonde hair

Marlene was clearly awake, she groaned at Lily and rolled over. Lily sat on the bed next to Marlene and saw Marlene's face. Her eyes were red and very puffy. Marlene looked one, theys.

Lily rubbed Marlene's back, "I don't know how." Marlene's voice sounded raw and gravely. It seemed as though she had not spoken in ages.

"You will be okay, I promise."

Marlene covered her head with a pillow and rolled over. Lily ripped the pillow from Marlene's clutches. "I am here for you," Lily told her. "And so are Rick, and James, and Sirius, and so are Mr. and Mrs. Potter, and all of the girls at school."

Marlene sat up and looked Lily in the eyes. "I know," Marlene nodded clearly on the verge of another breakdown. Marlene moved to sit up next to Lily and Lily wrapped her arm around her best friend. They lay next to each other in silence for a few long moments, until Lily felt Marlene drift into a deep sleep. Lily did not know when or for how long, but she too fell asleep.

Lily woke up to the sound of snickering. When she opened her eyes she saw James and Sirius at the foot of Marlene's bed. "That's hot," Sirius told her. Lily grabbed a throw pillow from next to her and with her one hand, that was not underneath a miraculously still sleeping Marlene, she threw it right at him. It would have hit Sirius square in the face. But, due to James' superb seeker's skills he caught it just inches from his best friend's face.

"Kinda petty, huh Evans?" James asked her in mock disapproval.

"Ha ha," Lily whispered sarcastically at him.

"You got her to fall asleep?" James asked. He sounded astonished and like he hadn't seen her sleep since her parent's passing. Lily nodded, proud of herself.

"Leave before you wake her up," Lily whispered to him. James smirked as he pushed Sirius out of the room ahead of him.

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