Chapter 46

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They soon found themselves on the Hogwarts Express with newly reformed couple Sirius and Marlene, engaged to be married Alice, study focused Remus, and self acclaimed to be forever alone Peter.

"I must see my parents sometime," Lily explained to James, when he told her that she should just come to Potter Manor.

"I bet I can show you a better time," James told her.

Lily giggled, "I can guarantee that. However I must talk to my parents. My mother wrote and told me that they had a big announcement."

"I wonder what it is," he mused.

"You and me both," she agreed.

They rode playing games until Sirius singed an eyebrow and Alice had a singed skirt hem.

Alice and Lily sat side by side on the floor of the compartment, they had all been sitting in a circle and now that had dispersed a bit.

"I just realized I can't go home!" Alice said.

"What are you talking about?" Lily asked.

"Remember that letter?" Alice asked her. Lily did remember the letter. Alice's mother had written to her saying that she did not approve of her engagement.

"Yes," Lily admitted. "I bet you can stay with Frank."

"Frank has these dorms for the Maurarder program," Alice said in misery. "I should have stayed at school."

"Of course not," Lily told her. "You can stay with me."

"Really?" Alice asked. She was desperate.

"Of course," Lily said. It probably wasn't great for her to sleep alone anyway, she didn't want to scream in her sleep and scare her parents.

When they reached the platform, Lily saw her mother waiting for her. James helped LIly with her trunk and as they walked over to her mother. "Hello Mrs. Evans," James said politely.

"Why hello James," Lily's mother said excitedly. It seemed as though Lily's still having a boyfriend was great news.

"Hi mom," Lily said. She gave her mother a hug. "Where is dad?"

"He is on a business trip," Rose said. "He'll be back in the day after Valentine's."

"That's poor timing," James apologized.

"I suppose so," Rose said as though she hadn't even had the thought. "Well how are you?"

"Doing well," James told her. "Thank you."

Alice walked up to them.

"Oh Alice is staying with us," Lily said quickly. Lily waved Alice over.

"I am so glad that you are staying with us," Mrs. Evans said to Alice.

"Me too," Alice agreed. "Thank you so much."

"No problem."

Evelyn Potter walked up to them and put a hand on her son's shoulder, "hi honey."

"Hey mom," James said. Evelyn kissed James on the cheek and then went to his side. "Mrs. Evans, this is my mother."

"Evelyn," his mother introduced herself. "It is so nice to meet you, Lily has told me about you."

"All the best I hope," Rose said. "I'm Rose." The women shook hands. James and Lily's mothers talked for a long time. Then Alice spotted Frank. She squealed and the newly engaged kissed right in front of everyone. This led Lily and James to listen to their mothers talk or watch ALice and Frank make out.

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