Chapter 41

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When the excitement had died down, Remus and Peter had been filled in, and Madame Pomfrey let Frank go back to the Ministry, they all sat around the fireplace in Lily and James' dormitory.

"Happy birthday eve," Alice told Marlene.

"All ready?" Marlene asked in fiend surprise. Marlene loved her birthday and this would be the first one without her parents, but Marlene was ready to party as always.

James rolled his eyes and threw a throw pillow at her. Marlene giggled, "thank you."

They chatted until midnight when it was officially Marlene's birthday. "Since it is officially my birthday," Marlene said. This was met by a chorus of happy birthdays, which she processed to wave off. "I want to decide what game we play."

It had been discussed that they should play a game, but they couldn't decide which.

"Sounds fair," James agreed.

"Glad you think so," Marlene said. "I say truth or dare."

Lily had played only once with the Marauders and it had gotten out of hand quickly. She exchanged a look with Alice, but it was Marlene's birthday. "I'm in," Lily agreed.

"We all are," Alice said as she looked around the room as if daring the others to disagree with her, nobody did.

"Great," Marlene said. "You can go first."

Alice's eyes widened and Sirius chuckled at her reaction. "I'm sure she'll go easy on you."

"Don't make promises you can't keep," Marlene suggested.

Sirius smirked, "Next time."

Marlene moved her attention back to Alice, "Truth or Dare?"

"Truth," Alice decided she found the lesser of two evils.

"Okay," Marlene said. She thought for a moment and everyone else was tense. "Tell us the most unhealthy thing you've ever done.

"The most unhealthy thing I've ever done?" Alice asked. Marlene nodded in conformation. "I smoked some weed once while on vacation." Alice shrugged.

Lily was astonished, "is that a joke?"

"No," Alice said with a guilty shake of her head.

"Way to go Alice!" Sirius and James cheered in unison. Lily sighed with a shake of her head, but there was nothing much she could do.

"Your turn," Marlene said with a nod to Alice.

"Okay," Alice agreed. "Sirius." She pointed at him. "Truth or Dare?"

"Dare," Sirius said immediately.

Alice thought for a moment. "I dare you to punch James."

Lily bit the inside of her cheek because she had no idea what Sirius would do. Sirius got up off the floor and walked towards James and Lily. "I'm sorry mate," Sirius said. Lily pinched her eyes closed and she heard a cracking sound. Lily popped her eyes open and saw that James had a red spot on his left cheek and blood was coming out of his mouth.

"Oh my god," Lily said. She covered her mouth and Lily pulled out her wand. James spit out a mouth full of blood. She gasped and she was Alice flinching. It was clear that Alice had not thought that Sirius would go through with it.

"It's fine," James said. He took Lily's wand from her hand. He cast a silent spell and the redness disappeared along with the blood that had coated his teeth.

"Are you okay?" Lily asked him. She touched the spot on his face where he had been punched. James flinched and Lily pulled away immediately. "I'm so sorry."

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