Chapter 5

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters. JK Rowling does. I should have written this in the other chapters.

Lily woke up the next morning and it was the day of the McKinnon's funeral.

Lily got dressed in a black dress with no sleeves and a high neck she paired it with tall, black, to the knee, heeled boots. She walked down stairs and into the kitchen. Marlene was sitting at that table already. "Morning," Lily said.

Marlene returned the conversation starter with a weak smile. "We should get going," Lily said. Marlene just nodded and the two girls got up and left the kitchen. They walked outside to where all of Marlene's family was already sitting in chairs facing two coffins. Lily looped her arm through Marlene's and led them down to the front. Lily got Marlene to sit down next to Rick and Lily and Rick kissed each other politely on the cheek,

"I am here for you," Lily told him sincerely.

"Thank you," Rick said. "And thank you for not saying sorry for your loss. That is all I have heard today, and it is so unoriginal and insincere."

"Anytime," Lily said. Lily moved to the row behind her best friend and found herself sitting next to James and Sirius.

They sat through the service and Lily cried a lot more than Sirius, but she saw James crying silently. She reached out and held his hand. He laced his fingers through hers.

The next day Sirius and Lily were sitting alone in the living room because Marlene and James had to tend to official family business. "I still don't get it," Lily admitted. He was trying to explain quidditch to her.

"You know what I don't get?" He asked her.

"What?" Lily inquired.

"That you and James aren't together," he said it simply enough. Lily opened her mouth to defend herself, but nothing came out. "I mean you obviously like him now and we all know his feelings for you, so why?"

"I think that he is okay."

"You like that he is more than okay," Sirius retorted. "You think of him in another way that friends. It kind of feels like you missed the friend step of thinking about him."

"There are steps now?" Lily asked.

"Yep," Sirius said simply and they changed the subject.

The service finished and a few days past, then Lily, Marlene, James and Sirius got their Hogwarts letters. The four of them had been sitting in a circle and James was playing with a snitch that Lily was pretty sure was stolen. James' owl landed on his left knee between him and Lily. In its claws were 4 letters from Hogwarts. James passed the letters out.

Lily opened her letter as soon as it was handed to her.

Miss Evans,

You've been chosen to be Head Girl for this year's class. I understand that you want to know who the Head Boy is, and you will find out very soon. Enclosed is your Head Girl badge as well as the code to your new dormitories. I would appreciate it if you would join me in my office after the beginning of term feast for a brief description of your duties for the coming year. I believe that you will be an excellent leader for our school this fall. I hope to see you soon.

Warmest regards,

Albus Dumbledore

Lily flipped the letter upside down and a Head Girl badge fell out. Marlene noticed first and gasped. "Lily, that is wonderful!" Marlene said, happy for her best friend.

"Thanks," Lily said apperciatevely. "There was just one part of his letter that I keep thinking of, he wrote, 'you will find out very soon'. When he was talking about who the Head boy was." Marlene looked just as perplexed at Lily was until they saw, at the same moment, James emptied his envelope. A golden badge fell out, identical to Lily's. Lily's eyes bulged and Marlene's breath stopped. "You're Head Boy?" Marlene asked surprised.

James fished a letter similar to Lily's and read it quickly. Then he passed it to Sirius without saying anything. Sirius read it and then laughed loudly. "He got Head Boy!"

"No way," Marlene said, taking the letter from her boyfriend's hand. "He and Lily are going to share a dorm. They are going to have to be around each other everyday all year."

Lily looked at James and wrinkled her nose. "Hey!" James said hurt.

"This is going to be fun," Sirius said.

"Interesting," Lily corrected. "This year will be interesting."

"Actually," Marlen interrupted. "This year is going to be fun. You guys get an entire dorm room all to yourselves. Imagine the parties that we could throw."

She leaned across the circle and she and James high-fived.

"No," Lily said. "We will do no such thing, we are supposed to be role models." Sirius rolled her eyes at Lily. "And why did we dismiss the fact that James is Head Boy so fast?"

"I personally can't believe it," Sirius admitted. "Dumbledore has really lost his marbles on that one."

"Lost his marbles on what?" Remus and Peter were walking onto the lawn where they were sitting.

"Remus!" Lily said happily. She hadn't seen him in a long time. He looked pale, but they hugged and sat back down. Peter sat down between James and Sirius.

"So, whats up?" Peter asked.

"I just found out that I got Head Girl," Lily told them.

"Congrats Lils," Remus said.

"Thanks," Lily said. "But then we found out that James is Head Boy."

Remus was stunned, so he didn't say anything. Peter laughed for a second before she realized that it wasn't a joke. "You aren't kidding?" Peter asked. James chucked his badge at Peter's head.

"Nope," Sirius said with a stifled chuckle. 

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