Chapter 29

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Lily pushed the thought out of her min. Lily didn't think about it for the rest of the afternoon. The girls got ready for the party and they put on their dresses. Marlene put her hair into a bun that had two pieces of hair curled around her face. Lily curled her hair and let it fall around her shoulders.

Lily's dress shone in the dim light of her room. Marlene smiled at Lily, "James is going to love it," she told her.

"I know," Lily said more quietly.

They walked down the stairs and Lily was surprised to see James. He turned around and Lily felt like she was in a movie. The way that James looked at Lily made Marlene want to throw up, but it made Mrs. Evans' heart want to burst at the seams.

"Hi," Lily said.

"Hi," James said. He took her hand and helped her down the last few stairs. "You look amazing."

Lily bit her lip and looked at his outfit. It was a muggle suit, and it was very nice. "You don't look too bad yourself."

Marlene made a retching sound from behind them, and Lily rolled her eyes.

"You didn't have to pick me up," Lily told him.

"I know that you are more than capable," James told her. "I just wanted to ask your mother a question."

Mrs. Evans looked surprised at James' words. "Would it be okay if Lily spent the night at my house?"

"Nothing inappropriate will happen," he rushed to say. "My parents and some of my other family members will be home.

"Not an issue," Mrs. Evans said. "Of course she can."

Lily was surprised by her mother's willingness.

"Are you sure?" Lily asked.

"Yes honey," Mrs. Evans assured her. "Lily smiled and moved to kiss her mother goodbye. "You need to get some," her mother whispered to her. "Lord know one of us has to."

Lily's eyes bulged out from her head and James gave her a knowing smirk.

"Have fun," she said.

James grabbed Lily's hand and Lily grabbed Marlene's in turn. They appareated to Potter Manor. As soon as they appeared Lily heard classical music and chatter from people around. Lily saw a beautiful ballroom, it was like something out of a fairytale. It was covered in tiny lights and white flowers. There must have been over 100 people in beautiful outfits.

Marlene was scanning the room, but before any of them saw Sirius they smelled him.

"Ooh, Sirius," Lily said, as the three of them turned around to face him.

"That hair gel is awful mate," James told him.

"I don't mind," Marlene said. Sirius reached her with one arm and Marlene gave him a kiss.

"See," Sirius said. "It's fine."

Lily nodded, unconvinced. "Okay."

Lily saw James's wand sticking out of his inside jacket pocket. She moved in front of James, blocking her friends' view of him, to a certain extent. "You have to cast a spell to get rid of that smell," Lily whispered to him.

"On it," James said.

He took his wand from his pocket. Luckily Marlene and Sirius were too wrapped up in their flirting to notice. James cast a spell silently and suddenly the tar smell disappeared. Lily turned back to face her friends. Thank you Marlene mouthed.

Lily rolled her eyes. James put his wand back into his pocket and he grabbed Lily by the waist. "Can I interest you in a dance?" James asked her.

"You may," Lily said with a large smile. James led her to the dance floor . James waltzed her around the room, with surprising grace. Lily noticed a few girls around her age looking jealousy at her.

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