Chapter 3 but make it Angst<3

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The picture was made by me btw :)

[Yeah this sounds weird but, When I'm in the shower I like to think about my life and act like I'm a cosplayer. Aaand sometimes i make up scenarios and play them out like a dumbass cuz im lonely(don't judge me i will cry)

So i present to you: This wonderful scenario i played out in my head while i was in the shower :D]

The body discovery announcement played as you stared at the body in horror. Angie Yonaga the ultimate artist was dead.

More people stumbled into the research lab. Soon enough everyone started investigating the room to look for clues.

One of them was Korekiyo Shinguji.

Someone you adored even though he had a creepy vibe coming from him. He was very intelligent and his brain was like a library. You and Kiyo had a alot of nice talks about anthropology and your interests. The both of you were close in your opinion. Even though you were in a killing game, both developed tiny feelings for eachother.

Coming back from your toughts, Kiyo suggested to host a seance called The Caged Child. According to Kiyo, the seance would allow us to communicate with the dead. In this case Angie.

"Something is off.." you thought to yourself. As far as you knew, Kiyo didn't believe in resurrecting or communicating with the dead. You let the thought slide.

You walked into one of the empty rooms Himiko chose to hold the seance. The preperation were almost done. You helped out setting everything in place.

You didn't like this. Everyone was stressed, nervous and completely lost. Kiyo explained everything and we were about to start. "You needn't move Himiko, There are many loose pieces in the floor near you"

"He isn't going to- no..right?" You thought to yourself. After debating endlessly in your head, You decided to lent him a hand.

As the seance began, you slowly walked over to the cage where Tenko was kneeling down. You took a deep silent breath as you stomped hard on the floorboard. As you expected, The floorboard was loose. You quickly made your way back to the corner of the room.

As the lights went on, your heart was racing. You just killed an innocent classmate..But it was worth it right? Kiyo stood there in confusion. Did his plan fail or succeed..

[Skipping the investigation cuz yolo]

Monokuma suddenly popped up with an extra rule. "Upupupu~ This trial will only be for Tenko's killer!" Panic rushed through your body..

[I'm lazy so class trial time]

Everyone was confused. Most suspicion was drawn to Himiko and Kiyo. You couldn't stay silent though. You tried to make up logical "claims" to draw the suspicion off of Kiyo.

After a long long time of debating for the truth, We found out that Korekiyo was Angie's killer. "Kiyo is Tenko's killer too!! I'm voting for him!" Himiko yelled. This was the moment you gave up on your act.

"You're wrong." You suddenly spoke "I killed Tenko." Yes you killed Tenko for sure. "W-what?" Himiko looked at me, No, Everyone looked at me in shock. You gave Kiyo a glance with a soft smile, but he was in shock and looked like he was about to cry.

It was voting time...for obvious reasons everyone voted for you. "Why..Why did you do that.." Kiyo said with a trembling voice. "I didn't want you to die silly..Isn't it obvious?" You smiled. Your smile quickly faded away as you saw Kiyo cry. You hugged him tightly as he hugged me back. "I'm sorry Kiyo.." you started crying too. "Please survive for me together with everyone..I will watch over you! I promise!" You spoke.

You gulped as you started to say your final sentence. "Kiyo just know that, I will love you forever and ever.." the both of you started crying more, Until "Yeah yeah enough with this boring crap! It's PUNISHMENT TIIIIME!" Monokuma blunted out.

"Y/N don't leave me please! I don't want to lose you I'm begging you please!!!"

You smiled as you gave him a small kiss on his head. "Goodbye Love.."  [I'M CRYING SO HARD RN BYE]

[Execution time :0 Uhh Blood warning (duh), Gore, Sadness.]

You got dragged off by a chain around your neck, Kiyo reaching out to you. [Flashbacks y'all]

You ended up in a large dark hallway. The only light source being a door at the end of it. You started running towards the hallway until you saw familiar figures. Was that..Kiyo? No..It was everyone. Your classmates were staring at you. Calling you nasty names and Slurs.

Panic rushing through your body, you started to make your way to the door. Then there he was. Your beloved Korekiyo. He reached out to you, trying to get you in his arms. You smiled, The hope in your eyes...Was crushed in an instant. You saw 'Korekiyo' get killed by multiple saws. His limbs were cut off. You screamed and cried while holding his head. You gave up your struggles..This was it.

While still holding 'Korekiyo's' head, You quickly realized it was fake. But before you knew it, Multiple spears pierced your body. Your eyes shot wide open, Tears running down your cheeks.

All of your classmates stood there in shock. Kiyo crying as he was looking at your lifeless body on the screen..

[Crying. Seriously crying. Okay this was pretty long sorry for that but if you did read it: Thank you :D Honestly this is pretty stupid if you ask me cuz my writing skills are shit, But yeah it's cool- i cried :D Anyway that's enough for today Bai baii]

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