Sharing Is Caring :)

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Y'all I dreamed about Kiyo🥰🥰🥰🥰

This sounds stupid but i will tell you this, Seeing your comfort character infront of you is the most touching and overwhelming thing ever. I didn't tell anyone about my dream though because i didn't want people to be creeped out, So i will just write my dream here in x reader style :)

So without further ado:
My dream about Korekiyo

-First person-

I was walking in my cottage garden full of plants and flowers while my cats playfully ran around.

I wore my usual comfy clothes, enjoying the silence around me. "My dear would you want some tea?" Korekiyo suddenly spoke making me jump a little.

"Oh i would like that!" I smiled. After a nice tea time with Kiyo, he suggested to go out that night. I happily accepted as we both spent more time together.

-Time skip cause i don't remember these parts-

It was 6 pm. I finished dressing up and waited for Kiyo to come downstaires so we could go to the restaurant.

After a minute or 2 he happily walked downstaires smiling behind his mask. "You look so beautiful, Darling" he said hugging me. "Look who's talking" i laughed.

Kiyo took my hand and we both started walking to our destination. I rubbed his bandaged hands with my thumb making him smile. A path made of glitter could be seen underneath our feet. As we followed the path, Korekiyo picked me up bride style and carried me to the restaurant.

Kiyo looked at me with a warm smile on his face. He cupped my face with one hand stroking it. I got used to his bandaged hands by now. To be fair, i was never bothered by them anyway.

As we reached the restaurant, We sat down by a table outside. The waiter quickly arrived asking for our orders. I couldn't quite hear what Kiyo had ordered but i just asked for the same.

The food quickly appeared on our table as Kiyo began eating hungrily. It was such a cute sight. "You're that hungry?" I giggled. Kiyo laughed nodding. "It's so good.." he said with a very satisfied tone. He finished his meal so quickly that i didn't even get the chance to say anything about it.

He called the waitres again for some more. After our meal we stood up and walked towards an old house.

A short chubby grandma appeared infront of us for some reason. "You two look so weird" she said in a grumpy tone.

We just looked at her in silence not knowing what to say. Then she started running like an anime school girl and yelled "I bet you run like this!" Pointing towards me. I got offended as i started to run towards her.

Kiyo followed me and we started kicking her shoes?

The grandma tried to kick Korekiyos knees as we continued "bullying" her. (i swear this is just my dream pls)

After a very fun night out, Me and Kiyo stood at the edge of a cliff. I was holding his bandaged hands looking in his golden eyes.

As we came closer and closer...

"My dear it's time to wake up" He spoke.

My perfect world vanished. I only saw black as i slowly started hearing noises.

It was my alarm clock.

YUHHHH So yes seriously i actually dreamed this. And it was the best thing ever. It sounds very short but actually it was longer I'm pretty sure. Only i don't remember most of it. Anyway This was litterly the best dream ever. I hope everyone who reads this can see their beloved in their dreams too<3

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