Uh oh Someone's Angry-

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Okay i just need to get this out of my chest and I'm bored while laying in bed sick so uh yeah. If you take this personally, I do not give a living damn.

As y'all know i am madly in love with Korekiyo Shinguji and keep making content about him on multiple platforms for my own entertainment.

A well known fact is that Korekiyo has experienced @buse by his older sister and suffered from trauma.

It is very nice to see people educating others on this fact because some dipshits find it funny to make Sweet home alabama jokes which is obviously not fcking funny. Or people just don't know about it.


When someone makes content about Korekiyo, WITHOUT EVEN TALKING ABOUT HIS TRAUMA OR SISTER, And you go out of your way bringing that shit up is FCKING ANNOYING.

Korekiyo does not only exist of trauma and backstory my dude. It pisses me off so much when people randomly bring it up as if it's soooo necessary.

I had multiple people bringing up his trauma out of nowhere on a post of a drawing i made for Kiyo. The drawing was just him with a plushie. LIKE COME ON.

Not only on my own content, Whenever i try watching a funny video about Kiyo, The comments are FILLED with people arguing about his messed up trauma WHILE THE FCKING VIDEO HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.

Just shut up and don't bring it up if no one asked for it bro. Both the "The fact that he was gr00med is so sad :(" and "Lol sweet home alabama" ARE SO ANNOYING I JUST WANT TO THROW YOU OFF A CLIFF IF YOU KEEP SAYING THAT IF NO ONE ASKED FOR IT.

The sweet home alabama thing is just shitty and fucked up to begin with so i don't think i need to explain that.

But when you keep bringing his shitty trauma up You are watering him down to JUST Trauma while he is a very interesting character and has a lot more characteristics other than that.

If you want to talk about it SOOOOO badly Go to a post that is talking about that subject and stop bothering people who just want to have fun making cute or funny content about him.

That concludes my vent. It's super random but i just needed to say it lol. If you disagree i really do not care.

Bai baiiii

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