Thought dump!!

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[Well well well Look who's back at it again. Yeah so Thought dump chapter about kiyo ofc so let me give a small explanation.

You are the Ultimate Librarian and are the blackened together with the Ultimate Anthropologist Korekiyo Shinguji. (You two killed someone together)

This is just an execution idea i came up with lolol anyway

~No Pov~

You stood there with a racing heart next to Korekiyo in the court room [class trial place thing idk]. The both of you got caught being the culprit of this disturbing case.

Monokuma screamed his magic words hitting a red button. I looked at Kiyo with a smile while holding his hand. Two chains came down from the ceiling as we got dragged off from the oh so nice looking ground.

You couldn't feel Kiyos presence anymore. He was dragged off to a different direction.

You finally got dropped off on a floor. It was dark..Until a spotlight facing you flashed on. A long long 'hallway' made out of bookcases was seen by your eyes.

More and more spotlights went on. As the last one flashed on the ground, You saw a familiar figure tied up by a chain with one hand. His other hand was free..It was Kiyo.

Before you could even think the bookcases started to move. The path began to become thinner and thinner. For obvious reasons, You started running towards Korekiyo.

Running..and running..and more running....

You were almost there. Just one jump and you could be caught in his comforting warm arms.

Korekiyo reached out to you as you reached out to him.

You smiled. Your eyes shining with pure hope. Korekiyo giving his comforting gaze. Oh such absolute hope..

Waiting to be crushed.

The bookcases pressed together crushing you between them. The only part of you left was..Your hand.

The shine in Korekiyos eyes was gone in an instant.

Blood spattered everywhere as he fell on his knees grabbing your now cold, lifeless hand.

Korekiyo cupped his own face in your hand as he started crying. Not a few seconds later, A huge bookcase fell on top of him crushing Kiyos body.

At the end, Two lifeless hands could be seen holding eachother.

[Haha..Ha. You might be thinking rn. "Dude why tf are u thinking about this wtf-" It's called being lonely :') anyway yeah i just thought about this lol. Ngl this gives me peko's execution vibes..Anyway that's it lol Baiiiiiii]

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