- Haunted (Minsung)

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"Stop! Surrender yourself!"

The police whistles as the boy keeps on running, he didn't mind the flickering lights on the streets til it completely died out, Minho rushed towards the cemetery gate and open it, he can still hear the police whistling and shouting that he should surrender himself to them. A smirk formed on Minho's lips, proud on himself that escaped those cops, he look around and notice how dark the place is.

He can't see clearly due to the darkness that wrapped around the whole place, somehow it creeps Minho out, he accidentally stumbled down on ground his eyes widens when he saw a shiny thing lying on the grass.

He picked it up and examines the beautiful jewelry that's in his possession right now, he looked around to check if there's someone around when he realized no one a smirk formed on his lips telling to himself he can sell the jewelry in a nice price, he wear the ring and checks it, the light of the moon hits the jewelry again which made it to be more sparkly in Minho's eyes.

But before he could get out a person appeared infront of him saying. "I think that ring you're wearing right now is mine."

"No, it's mine now I found it."Minho said. "Ah so your name as well is Han Jisung?"Minho raised his eyebrow and took the ring off then he saw an engraved initials of HJS on the ring. "I still wont give this back even if it's yours, I found this ring so it's mine now."

"Okay then, it's yours but on one condition. Help me find first who killed me or else I'll bug you til you lose your sanity."

That creeps Minho out, especially when the boy smiled at him, cold breeze of the wind touches his skin, giving him goosebumps, he run away heading his way out of the cementery his apartment is near the place so it's not hard for him to look for it. He's catches his breath and lock the door immediately, he sat down on the floor and leaned his back on the door, he took the ring and stares at it.

"Until the ring is in your possession I can find whenever you are, so whether you like it your not you'll help me."

Minho screamed and faint on his spot, Jisung stares at the boy who's currently unconscious right now. "Oh no, did I killed him?"He sat down and stares at the boy who's just fainted on his spot.

Jisung waited til Minho regain his consciousness, Minho covere his face when he saw thw ghost staring at him, he notice Jisung wasn't scary at all, he looks like a normal human being, well except that Minho can't touch him. "What do you want ghost?"

"First of all I have a name, it's Jisung. Second I need your help, I need to find the person who killed me."Minho furrowed his eyebrows. "Me? Seriously? The cops are after me I can't freely move around the city, beside I wont even gain anything for helping a mere spirit like you!"

"I'll give you that ring in return, sell it if you want I can't even take it, all I want right now is to know what's the cause of my death and who killed me."

"Why you don't know? You surely know who did."Minho furrowed his eyebrows, and he's confused how on earth he can see ghosts.

"If I know would I ask for help? I only remember my name and that ring, it's mine."Minho let's out a sigh, what mess did I got myself into? Perhaps I should just throw the ring away, he thought.

"Alright, fine."Jisung smiled and tried to give minho a hug but he just went through his body. Minho laughed because of what Jisung did. "Bleh you can't touch me nye nye."Jisung pouted his lips, he wish he's still a living a person, but suddenly his life's been taken away from him.

"Why are you pouting? Stop that you're not cute!"Jisung puffed his cheeks and Minho looked away, the boy's indeed cute, but he's still a ghost. "Can't you really remember anything about your life?"The boy shook his head, his aura became gloomy, however Minho thought about someone who could help them.

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