╴Lets meet each others gazes (SeungJin)

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Seungmin is nurse, he's been assigned to take care of patient in the room 209. He check his record and he learned that he got blind after he got into an accident.

❝Hwang Hyunjin.❞he stared at his profile and put it back, he went straight to his room to feed him, Seungmin knew he doesn't have any family at all now he was the only one who survived from the accident, he feel bad for his loss.

He open the door slowly and saw Hyunjin staring at nothing tho he can't see at all.

❝May I come in?❞Seungmin asked, and knocks on the door.

❝W-who's there? Who are you?❞Seungmin placed the tray on the table near his bed.

❝I'm your new nurse, Seungmin.❞Hyunjin lay down on his bed properly, sadness starts eating him slowly.

❝Go away now, I want to be alone.❞Hyunjin said, he's breathing heavy any minute he'll tear up and end up crying all over again.

❝Nope, I'm not going to leave you Mr. Hwang. I'm here to feed you.❞Seungmin placed the spoon near Hyunjin's lips. ❝Now open your lips.❞Hyunjin frown and pushed the bowl of hot porridge as it poured over Seungmin.

❝I told you to leave right? Now leave me alone!❞

❝H-hyunjin.❞Seungmin heave a sigh and stand. ❝I'll be back, I'll just clean this.❞Seungmin went out from Hyunjin's room as his co-worker named Felix found him wet and dirty.

❝What happen to you?❞Felix asked and he saw how red Seungmin's hand.

❝N-nothing don't mind this I'll be fine.❞he look away trying to avoid the blonde boy.

❝Yah! Did he do this to you? Does it hurt?❞Felix grab his hand and take a look at it.

❝A-ahh yah don't touch it. I-I'm fine, I have to clean myself.❞Seungmin said and get back his hand before he starts walking away from the boy.

Felix sighs and look at the room 209, he opened the door seeing the boy in despair. He wanted to tell him be obedient to his nurse because he don't want to see his best friend Seungmin to get hurt physical or emotional.

Seungmin came back wearing another uniform his co-worker lend him, he have another tray of food and sit down on the chair near Hyunjin's bed.

❝Hey, I know you're hurting. If you need someone I'll be here don't look- I mean treat me as your nurse but a friend.❞Seungmin said, Hyunjin tried to turn his head where Seungmin was.

❝Go away I don't need you! I want my family back! They are the only persons I need, why did they brought me here, they should let me die with them.❞The boy starts sobbing, Seungmin's heart broke seeing his patient is hurting. He stand and come near him to give him a tight hug.

❝Shhh, okay let it out. Rant, throw sharp words, curse all you want but I'm here for you. I'll take a good care of you.❞Hyunjin cried in Seungmin's arms.

❝I just want to be with them again, I'm dying inside. What's the point of living? I'm blind already.❞He rub his back gently and hug him tighter.

❝You know, you have to be strong for yourself. Your family will get hurt seeing you like that. Be strong I'm here to help.❞

Since that day Hyunjin tried to be positive and starts hoping again for a better life, Seungmin never leave his side until Hyunjin's recovery he brought him to his apartment.

❝Minie, you don't have to do this for me. I'll try not to be a burden for you. I'll just go back to our house.❞Felix came and saw Hyunjin, he gives Seungmin a meaningful look gestured that they will talk later.

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