- The Curse (2min)

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It must be hard living in this cruel world alone, hundreds of years already passed but still he's alive and breathing. Reminiscing the tragedy that happened on his life keeps on adding on the fuel to his anger, that keeps him alive, he want to see the generation of the family who murder his whole family suffer for the rest of their lives.

He closed his eyes and remember that day. "Seungmin!"The boy was running towards him, catching his breath while looking at the boy with a horrifying expression. "Your family,  the villagers are executing them."The boy gasped from the news that he heard from his friend, he grab the boy's hand and run towards the crowed but then the boy stopped him as they both hide from the bushes.

"Where is that boy named Seungmin! Bring him to me and hang him along with his family!"The man holding a torch who leads the crowed said.

"Die witches!"He covered his lips, sobbing silently, he witness with his two eyes the death of his family, even if he tries to show up and help his family he can't do anything, he'll die with them.

"Seungmin come on, let's go now we can't do anything, not in your state you're still not good with your magic, you can't fight them."Hyunjin said trying to drag his friend away, Seungmin's crying so hard, the villagers even set the bodies on fire, nothing left from Seungmin.

"Seungmin?"He felt a gentle tap on his shoulder, he saw Hyunjin looking at him worriedly, his little flashback suddenly ended.  "You almost set us on fire, calm down."The boy tried to calm himself down as much as possible he can't use his magic, he became an alchemist that sells potions and different magical stuffs, now running a magic shop.

The bell rings from the front door indicating a customer enter the shop. "How may I help you?"He said politely but the moment their eyes met there's a sudden spark between them, and those pair of eyes Seungmin wont forget, it's him they met again after hundreds of years but why he was born again with the family he despise the most. "I'm Minho, and I'm looking for Seungmin."

"Who wouldn't know the famous Minho the witch hunter?"A soft chuckle escaped from Minho's lips. "You flatter me too much, I heard Seungmin run this shop, I need a word with him."Seungmin's amused, he knew Minho's one of them, the curse keeps on passing from generation to generation of that family, satisfied that until now his curse still works even a hundred years passed already.

"Boy you're impatient."

"I don't have time for games."Minho said with a cold tone, and took his bow and arrow on his back. "Seungmin right? Let's finish the business, where is the antidote for the curse, give it to me."

"I don't have it."

"Give me the antidote, or I'll destroy this place including you."Seungmin wasn't even terrified even the boy aim the arrow to shoot it to him. "I am not scared nor terrified from your threath, if I die the curse will be permanent and no antidote can break it."

"Why would I believe your kind? You made our family suffered, my whole clan."

"Do you even know the reason why?"Anger rises from him, he despise every human being that related from those people who killed his family. "I don't have to know the reason, my only goal is to set my family free from the curse and destroy you"Minho let go of the arrow as it almost caught Seungmin.

"Feisty aren't we? You're too full of yourself that you can kill an immortal being like me, I'm still more powerful than a mere witch hunter like you. You owe me your ability."

"I don't owe anything from you, don't we suffered enough? How long are you going to keep us suffering from the curse you casted on my family? Don't you have a heart? Your kinds are truly a monster."Minho's holding the bow tightly, he despise witches kind just like how Seungmin despise Minho's family. "Humans are the true monster, your ancestors killed my family when we don't even do anything but to help them, they took everything from me, you should blame your ancestors, they Killed my mother, my father and my siblings."A tear fell from the witch's eye.

Minho felt a pang from his chest which he doesn't understand why, there's a familiarity from the person infront of him but he want to ignore it."You still did too much, innocent suffered from the curse you casted." 

"If I don't have a heart i would have killed them but I still let them live."

"Live? Live to suffer from the curse for the rest of our lives. You turned all of us into a flesh eating monster."Minho growled.

"Like wolves who feast with meat, yes. Atleast you're an immortal being now."Seungmin composed himself, looking at Minho, he can only see his lover who died because he was a human who have a short life span, but he never thought he'll be reborn as someone he need to despise as well.

"I'd rather die as a human being than live forever like this."

"I'll help you break it, but only the curse upon you will be lifted."

"I thought you don't have the antidote?"

"I don't but I can make it."

Minho agreed to Seungmin's deal, they left the shop to Hyunjin and they travel to gather all the remaining ingredients for the antidote, eventually they start catching feelings along their journey, Seungmin thought Minho might forgive him and forget about the curse and live with him but he's wrong.

The moment the antidote was made, the witch gave him the vial and hug the hunter. "Drink this and you'll become a human."Minho hug back Seungmin, his hand's are shaking while holding a dagger. "I'm sorry, but I need to fulfull my mission, I am a witch hunter in this timeline not your old lover."Minho whispered, Seungmin tightens his hug on minho, he knew it'll happen and he accepted his fate, Minho's hesitating, those time he's with Seungmin the memories from his past life flashed back, he found out they are lovers before, but he need to do what he needs to, it's a hard decision for him but he need to do it, he still stabbed the witch on the back.

Even how much their heart is aching, crying in agony nothing will change this timeline is not for them to be together. Seungmin already freed himself from the anger he kept within. "I don't mind ending up dying if it'll be for you, I lied about the fact the curse will be permanent, if I die the curse i casted will be lifted and die with me, I'm sorry I'm so selfish that even in this life I want to be with you again."It was Seungmin's last words before the witch lose his life.

"Not in this life, but perhaps in another life we'll be together again."Minho whispered and embrace the lifeless body of the witch.

The End.

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