- Fall Apart 2 (2min ft. Chan)

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Its been a year that passed, he held my hand tightly as we walk together at the shore.

"It's been a year since we met Seungmin."he chuckled and faced me, the smile on his face cannot be erased or fade on his lips.
I smile too and gently tap his cheeks.

"Yea, you bumped into me that made me fell on the water that day."he chuckles and held my hand once again, we started walking again until we reach my home.

He look at me with sparkles in his eyes and kisses my forehead. "I'll see you tonight? I want to show you something later this evening on the cliff, lets take a walk there together wait for me here okay?"I nod my head and smile at him.

He start to walk away but he still look at me and waved his hand as a goodbye. I waved mine too and walk inside my house.

"Is that your new boyfriend?"I take a glance to the person who spoke, it was him the person who broke my heart a year ago.

"Minho?"he smile and walk towards me to give me a hug.

"I miss you Seung, I miss you so much."I gently pushed him away and look at him.

"I miss you too but you should go home, Jisung must be waiting for you."I saw the sadness in his eyes when I mentioned his name.

"He died after we got married, he's suffering from a heart disease so I made everything to make him happy in his last days."I look away and take a seat on the sofa.

"I'm sorry for your loss, but you can go home now Minho."he heaved a sigh and start walking out of my house, I clutched my chest as I can still feel the pain inside, maybe it healed but the scar was still there.

Minho's POV

I look at his house after I went out as I can feel that a tear fell from my cheeks.
he doesn't know the real reason why I did it.

I started walking away when I saw his new boyfriend smiling while holding a red small box, he took the thing inside it as I saw a diamond ring.

He'll propose to him tonight. I felt pain inside my chest and start walking away.

Who I am to interfere with their relationship? I was the one who hurt him, I was the one who cheated, I was the one who got married to someone else.

God knows how much I love him, but I had no choice. Jisung was there when I was about to drown when our ship is about to sink, he almost gave his life knowing he's already dying, I owe him my life, just to payback I had to marry him and make his last days happy.

Evening comes and I saw the guy again walking towards his house, he knocks on the door as Seungmin opened it, he's wearing a simple white polo and a black pants it made him more attractive, the smile on his face was different when we're together, he's happier, he's happier with another man.

They started walking, the guy held his hand and he interwines their fingers, I followed them until we reached the cliff, its been decorated as there's a table at the middle.

"May I have a dance?"he smiles and nod his head, a music started to play as they dance under the moon and the bright stars.

I just stay hidden on a tree as I keep on watching them, the guy kneels down infront of him and took out the red small box I saw earlier.

"Seungmin, I know it will be so fast we just met last year, we dated for amost ten months but we're not getting any younger I know to myself that you're the one that I want to be with, the person that I want to bring infront of the altar, and the I want to spend the rest of my life with. Will you accept me as your husband?"I saw tears from his eyes but he's still smiling.

"Y-yes Chan, I'll marry you." Chan chuckled and put the ring on his finger, he stand then lift him up swirling him  around as they kissed.

I guess that's my cue to leave, its really over for the both of us. I just felt my cheeks are getting wet, I chuckled to the idea that I was crying, I went down on the cliff and take a walk on the shore just like we used to do before, memories of us flashed back into my mind.

"I'm late, I'm so sorry Seung. But always remember that there's someone like me who loves you so much, I'm sorry for letting our relationship fall apart."

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