- Our Last Goodbye (Minchan)

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Letting go of someone wasn't easy at all, both of you feel pain, and it really takes time to heal the scars and wounds that left in your heart.

Chan was walking soullesly his heavy footsteps can be heard, his mind wasn't working at all he don't know what to do anymore.

Eversince Minho and him broke up, he look so devastated he locks himself on his room or go out for for clubbing and drowns himself with liquors.

While Minho was happy already with someone else named Seungmin but he still can't stop himself from thinking about what Minho's been doing.

"Chan how long will you be like this? It's been a year since you two broke up, you look so wasted!"his friend Changbin said while holding Chan, he's drunk again as usual nothing is new with him.

"B-bin, d-did I do something bad o-or what I did wasn't enough for him to stay with m-me."he's shaking and stuttering while talking, small sobs starts coming out from his lips he loves him so much he can't let go everything between them.

"You did everything you can for your relationship alright? You're a great man and you deserve every good things in life, pull up yourself and let him go, let go of the past." Changbin put him on the backseat of the car, he starts driving him home.

He put down Chan on the couch, he lets out a sigh and called Minho he can't be with Chan since he still have lots of work to do.

Minho came after Changbin called him, he heaved a sigh and look at Chan who's peacefully sleeping, he admit he misses him so much.

Minho put a towel on his forehead, he never knew this would happen to Chan, but he knew from the start Chan deserves the best and it is not him.

"Channie, I'm so sorry."he softly whispered on his ears. Chan slowly opened his eyes seeing Minho sitting on the floor while looking at him.

"Min?"he smiled and stand.

"It's been a while, take care of yourself okay? Not always Changbin is here, especially me."he grunts in pain and sit up, his head hurts because he drink too much alcohol.

"Aigoo Channie, here I prepared medicine for you. Don't drink too much again please, look at yourself I don't deserve you Chan, please you have to let go and move on, be happy without me."a tear fell down from Chan's eye, he's hurting all over again. It's more painful hearing those words from the person he loves the most.

"Can I have one request?"chan held his hand and try to smile.

"Sure what is it?"

"Can we go out for the last time? After that I'll move forward in my life and let you go."Minho smiled and nod his head, he thinks it is the best time to have a closure, after a year finally.

Chan fixes himself and look at the mirror he tried to look his best, he decided he'll do it, he don't wanna be a burden to anyone especially to his friend changbin

"Whoa where are you going?"Changbin noticed him fixing himself.

"I'm going out with minho today, we'll have closure this time."he said.

"Are you sure you're okay with that?"Changbin look at him with a worried face, he knew his friend eversince.

"Yea I'll be fine Bin, thank you for everything. Take care of yourself, always remember Channie loves you."Changbin felt unusual about what Chan said to him, it seems like he's bidding his farewell to him.

"C-chan wait!"before he could ask Chan why he said that, he was already gone. Changbin heaved a sigh and praying silently in his mind hoping chan will be alright.

Minho and him went to their favorite place the cliff, they are so silent inside chan's car no one wants to start the conversation until minho decided to broke the silence between them.

"S-so Uhm chan, I wanted to say sorry for what happen. I'm sorry for l-leaving you."chan tried to smile and look at him.

"it's okay now, I understand I'm slowly accepting the fact that we're already done, I wish for your happiness min. I know if we continue out relationship we'll both hurt each other, I love you I still do until now but yea I want to see you happy with someone else rather than seeing you sad and devastated in my arms."

"Thank you channie, so now we're okay?"he nod his head.

"Yes but I decided leaving first and start my new life in sta-"chan didn't finished what he said when he felt the car is moving, they looked at each other, the car continue moving even chan trying to stop the car. He hissed and unlock minho's seatbelt.

"c-chan what are you planning to do?!" minho is already pannicking inside, chan just smile and open the door beside minho

"Jump."chan said.


"I said Jump and save yourself minho, we don't have much time."

"Chan if we're dying then let's die together, remember what we promised till death do us apart."he lets out a sigh.

"But I can't let you sacrifice your life with me, be happy and live with him. Goodbye min."he pushed minho out in the car before it fall on the cliff.

Minho's trembling, his legs weakens seeing chan's car starts sinking in the ocean, his tears fell down his heart aches so badly.

"G-goodbye channie. I know someday we'll meet again."he whispered in the air and look at the sky as tears keeps on streaming down from his face.

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