- Fall Apart 3 (2min)

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Seungmin and Chan are walking together, Minho saw them holding each other's hands. A sudden pain strikes his heart, he still love him so much.

He decided to greet him even for the last time.

"Hey Seung! Hi, hyung."Minho greeted them, Seung just smile.

"Hey mate, what's up? is he your friend seung?"Chan asked.

"Y-yes, he's my friend Minho."Minho smiled, even though it hurts him that he denied what is their real relationship he just keep quiet.

"He's your friend yet you never invited him to our wedding? You forgot some of your friends."Chan pulled out something inside his coat and give it to Minho.

"Invitation, to our wedding. Hope to see you there."

"I don't know if I can hyung, our ship will sail again that day."Seungmin felt his heart broke once again, he's leaving he said in his mind.

That day Seungmin seems confuse about what he really feels, is he really moved on and ready to marry another man? Or he still love Minho?

A month after that day, Minho was only wandering around, he decided to visit him again, but he's hesitating if he will knock on his door or not. But he decided not to, the light was on but he noticed no one's home.

Minho just heard some heavy footsteps coming his way, he saw he's holding a bottle of wine on his right hand, walking groggily on his way.

"Oh min... y-you're here?"he chuckled and starts drinking again on the bottle. Minho lets out a sigh and get the bottle from him.

"Stop drinking, you're getting married tomorrow."he noticed he started crying again.

"I-I'm getting married r-right! Go home, you're leaving again tomorrow right? Why not leave my life forever."he frowned and held his wrist tight and pulled him close to him.

"Do you still love me? You wont drink if not because you should be happy and not wasting yourself like this, don't go and I wont go tomorrow lets runaway together."he hug him tight, he can feel droplets of tears dripping down from his eyes they go inside and look at each others eyes they are both hurt, but they are looking at each other with love and admiration.

Minho gently cupped the younger's cheeks and lean his face to him until their lips met once again.

"Be mine again, even just for tonight."he whispered in his ears, the younger nod his head he knows he love him, still him. That night was a night were their hearts beats in synchonize, they kissed and touch each other with love it was memorable, for the both of them.

Morning came, Seungmin noticed Minho left. He burst out and cried. But he noticed a letter on the table he read it, his tears can't stop flowing, he's sure he love Minho so much. But realizing what happen to them last night? He's not fit to be Chan's husband anymore.

He immediately dressed up and run heading his way to the pier, he saw Minho is about to go.

"Stop! Don't go."Minho heard Seungmin's voice, he's running towards him. When she reached him, Seungmin suddenly kissed Minho passionately, he smile and pulled him close to him. Not knowing someone is watching them, his heart is aching and broken it was Chan, who saw the scene last night overheard how the two exchanges I love you's.

"I guess, he could make you happy because he's the one you truly love, I understand... I wish for your Happiness Seung you chose him and I'll just be happy for the both of you even its painful. I love you, be happy."Chan said and left, a tear fell out from his eye he walk away and never look back, Chan already prepared his gift to Seungmin, this time he know Minho will marry Seungmin and him? He'll just wait for the right person for him and hoping their relationship will never fall apart.


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