- Roadtrip (jeongchan)

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"Yang Jeongin comeback here!"

Jeongin ran as fast as he can til he got out of the house, holding the straps of his backpack tightly that contains his clothes and other important things. His step mom tried to chase him to stop the boy from leaving, his eyes widens when he saw her still chasing after him, the boy saw a car he entered without the owner's consent who are surprised to see him.

"Ahjussi! go drive!"the boy commands. The man look at him, Jeongin keeps on telling him to drive, the man drove away because Jeongin keeps on bugging him to do so, the younger lets out a sigh as a sign of relief and put his backpack infront.

"Finally, free from my miserable life."the boy mumbled, the older keeps on stealing glances at the younger who are comfortably sitting on the passenger seat. 

The older shakes his head and tried to ignore it for a while. Chan stopped the car parked on the convenience store and take a look at the boy who are currently sleeping peacefully.  "Hey kid, wake up."Jeongin yawns and rub his eyes.

"Ohmygod where am I? You! How dare you take me? I'm gonna sue you for kidnapping."

Chan look at him and crossed his arms.  "Well I should be the one sueing you, you're accusing me of something I didn't do, you're the one who entered my car without my consent, I should have kick you out."The boy looked down and fiddle with his fingers the look at chan making himself look innocent and cute.  "Please don't kick me out, I'll behave I promise."

Chan sighs he always have soft spot for people and he can't say no. "Fine, behave there, I'll just buy something."Jeongin wait for the older to come back, Chan bought foods and other stuffs he needs, then he hand over a bottle of water to Jeongin.

"I planned a peaceful roadtrip to relax, and you're just tagging along, I don't want some headaches, act like a brat and I'm kicking you out, understand? My car, my rules."Jeongin immediately nod his head.

Chan starts driving again, Jeongin remain quiet, staring at the window.  "You're Jeongin right?"The boy look at the older. "You know me?"Chan chuckled softly.  "I always heard your mom screams your name though."Jeongin got embarrassed.  "She's not my mom, my mom's gone when I'm seven."Jeongin whispered. 

"I'm Chan, Bangchan. Don't call me Ahjussi, I'm not that old yet."Jeongin giggled and look at Chan, he noticed the older's features, he's so good looking, he thought.  "Can I call you Chan hyung instead?"

"That's much better, do you want to go somewhere?"the younger's aura lit up. "Can we go to a peaceful place? Where we can see the view from the top then below we can watch the city lights and we can do stargazing!"

Chan know a place, he would love to go there as well, seems like it wasn't bad after all having some companion, he don't feel lonely unlike his past roadtrips.

"Chan hyung, this place is amazing!"He saw how Jeongin's eyes sparkles, the older chuckled softly and place a small blanket on the grass placing the foods he bought earlier.  "You like it?"Jeongin's busy roaming around the place, it was peaceful and he feel at ease. "Hey kid, let's eat first."

Jeongin sat down on the blanket, he's a lil bit shy to take any food, Chan noticed it so he give him something to eat. "Don't be shy, I bought enough food for the two of us."Jeongin shyly accept it.  "So, mind if you tell me the reason why you ranaway?"

"Can we not talk about it?"jeongin shyly said, he's still embarrassed about what he did but he have no choice. "If that's what you want then."

The two souls feel carefree when they are together, they forgotten about all the problems they are facing as if they have their own little world, only the two of them.

"Hyung, thank you for letting me tag along on your trip, I just really want to be free from ny abusive step mother, she's the reason why I ranaway she's hurting me whenever my dad is not around and then acts so nice when he's home with us, I can't handle staying at the same place with her, it's suffocating me, everything at home is suffocating, it feels like anytime I'll meet my end whenever I'm with them." Chan don't know how to react from what the younger said, chan's original plan is to bring jeongin back to his family but now he's having second thoughts.

"Jeongin, I know it's hard for you to deal with it but why don't you try to tell your father what she's doing to you?" Jeongin gave the older a small smile. "I tried, but he never believed me, his own son, he didn't believed me, he thinks I'm only lying to him." Jeongin look at chan and slowly took off his jacket, and there it reveals many dark and light bruises on the younger's body. "s-she did this to you?" The younger didn't said anything, chan clenched his fist, he feels like it's his duty to protect jeongin now.

"I'm not giving you back to them, I won't let you get hurt anymore as long as I'm here, you'll be safe."

But their happiness didn't last long, the police came, jeongin's step mother sued chan for kidnapping jeongin, the younger's crying and struggling from the police grip. "No! Chan hyung didn't do anything let him go please."

"Thank you officers for retrieving our son. Now jeongin let's go home, your father and I are worried about you." Both of them can't even do anything.

Jeongin beg for his father and step mother to let chan go, telling them he'll do anything they ask if they let him go.

Since that day jeongin's plead is heard, he starts avoiding chan as much as he can, not because he wants to but that's what his parents asked him to do, he did his best to be an obedient child, because not even a second he forget about chan, he remembers him every single day, and he wants to be with him one day.

Jeongin planned to reveal to his father what his step mother is doing to him, and seems like everything is going according to his plan, the moment the truth was revealed his step mother got punished, chan wa quietly looking after jeongin, he secretly help the boy to free himself to his abusive step mother.

"Yang Jeongin you little brat comeback here!" Days passed already, Jeongin laughed and run as fast as he could, well he's still the same old naughty boy, he saw a car so he immediately get in.

"Ahjussi, start driving please!"The man starts driving obeying the command of the younger boy. "Ahjussi where are we going?"

"A roadtrip, you wanna tag along?" Jeongin's eyes widens when he heard a familiar voice. "C-chan hyung?"

"Hi, long time no see neighbor. I missed you."

Jeongin smile widely. "I missed you too, ahjussi."

They both laugh and feel at ease now that they are together once again. It's funny that the same thing happened to them again when they first met.

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