- Remember me when Winter Come (Seungin)

978 20 1

Jeongin was staring at Seungmin who's currently with his bestfriend Hyunjin. He knows they do love each other so much, but he remain silent about his feelings for him.

He noticed Hyunjin is walking towards his direction.

"Jeongin, Take care of Seungmin while I'm away." Jeongin nod his head, and tap Hyunjin's shoulder.

Seungmin and Jeongin decided to take a walk in the beach, even it's snowing they don't mind. They talk alot about stuffs after all they are friends eversince.

Seungmin loves Jeongin as a friend, but he don't know that the younger loves him more than that.

They decided to go home but a man just block their way.

"You have a beautiful companion there, don't you want to share? Or might just give me your money so no one will get hurt."Jeongin's eyebrow furrows.

"I don't share what's mine understood?!"Jeongin grab Seungmin's hands pulling the older male close to him, Seungmin trembles and grips on jeongin's shirt tightly.

"Oh no, do you think you two can pass this street?"Jeongin glares at the guy and punch him.

"Dare you lay your filthy fingers on him, If you do I'll kill you."The man became serious and took out a small knife in his pocket.

The man was about to stab Seungmin but jeongin blocked the way, as a whistle can be heard the man run off because its the police which patrols everynight.

Jeongin look at Seungmin, the older was still in shocked. He fell in his arms as tears begin to fall from Seungmin's eyes.

"I- I must p-protect you. No matter w-what..."

"N-no please don't, I'll call for help."he starts sobbing hard as it's starts snowing again.

Jeongin caresses his face as a single tear fall from his eyes.

"I- I love you Seungmin hyung.❞he's crying hard shouting for help.

"Shh, don't talk much. I'll call for help."Jeongin manage to hold his hands.

"L-listen, E-eversince I d-do love you more than a f-friend, I know hyunjin hyung c-can take care of you, he loves you so much and I know y-you love him too. I wish for your happiness, just look up in the sky y-you'll remember me, w-whenever winter come. I love you Seungmin hyung."jeongin's eyes starts closing slowly, Seungmin hugged him tightly and cried.

"I love you too, I do."a small smile painted on jeongin's lips, he's happy to save the person he loves, sacrificing his self is nothing but he'll regret if he never tried protecting him.

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