A New Addition 

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Sapnap just got home from work when he got a text from his boyfriend, Karl.

(KarlJacobs) me and Quackity are at the store if you need anything

(Sapnap) We need bread and milk.

(KarlJacobs) k. Love you

(Sapnap) love you both.

The man smiled at his phone thinking about how much he loves his boyfriends. Then he hears a knock at his door.

(Sapnaps POV)
I walked to the door wondering who might be here. I open the door and see a kid that's about 10 or 11 trembling. He looks like he was crying. "A-are y-you Sapnap?" He stutters  out. "yeah i am. Why do you ask?" I ask. He looks down and seems even more scared. "Here how about you come inside and i give you a drink and you tell me why you're here. Deal?" I say. He nods and shakily walks inside.

"You can sit on the couch. What tea do you want?" I say closing the door and walking over to the kitchen. "G-green tea is fine." He says sitting on the couch. I put the kettle on the stove and get out two mugs. "Do you want suger?" I say looking over my shoulder at him. To witch he nods. I get out the suger and put some in each cup. I unwrap the teabags, the sent of green tea fills my nose, and i put them into the cups. Just as i do that the water boils. I take it off the burner and pore some into the two cups then I stir the tea until the suger disappears. I bring the cups over and hand one to him. "Careful its hot." I say and sit down on the couch and take a sip of the tea.

'Than y-you.' He mumbles. 'No problem. What's your name kid?" "I'm M-mark but my friends call me R-ranboo." He says drinking after he's done talking. "Ok and why are you here?" I ask calmly. "Well i g-Got kicked out o-of my home because of m-my a-anxiety." He says tearing up a bit. "And  this is the third house i went to. T-the first two s-slammed the door on m-me." I nod in response. "Ok. So what your telling me is that you got kicked out of your home and you want to stay with me?" Mark nods. "Ok i have to talk to my boyfriends when they get home. There at the store right now." I say and he nods. I pull out my phone and shoot Karl a text.

(Sapnap) Hey can you guys hurry back? We need to talk about something.

(KarlJacobs) sure. Otw

"Ok so there on the way back. Until they get here how about you tell me about your self?"  He nods and starts talking and i listen.

(Karl POV)

"What do you think he wants to talk about?" I say, getting into the car. "I don't know but i know for a fact that he's not going to break up with us. Ok? So don't worry." quakity reassured me. "Your right.' I say turning the key and starting the car. The radio turns on and Alex starts playing music through the stereo. He puts on sweater wether jokingly and we both sing along at the top of our lunges. "ALL I AM, IS A MAN. I WANT THE WORLD, IN MY HANDS." We both start laughing after that. I hum along as we drive home.

We pull into the drive way next to Nicks car. We get out and grab the bags and i open the front door. As we walk in i see Nick on the couch with a kid. Th kid was small, about 10 or 11. He has black hear and two tone eyes. "We hello there." I say putting down the bags. "Mark this is Karl and Alex. Karl and Alex meet Mark." Sapnap says. He then explains why Mark's here. " and that's what i needed to talk to you guys. Because he wants to stay with us." Nick says. Karl looks at Alex. Alex looks at Nick. Nick looks at Karl. "Well i guess for now, yes." Karl says. Ranboo smiles as sapnap stands up.

(No POV)
Sapnap shows ranboo his new room and Karl and Quakity start working on dinner. Life is going to be different for the three now with the addition of Ranboo

(756 words)
(I hope you liked it. Have a good week.
Love ANDY~)

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