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(so in this karl, Quackity, and Sapnap all go to a pride parade and yeah! sorry ive been gone btw this chapter has homophobia and it has the f slur in it so if you are sensitive to that topic i sugest you skip this chapter, anyway enjoy!:]


one day in late may (why did that ryme-) Sapnap asked his boyfriends during their daily cuddles, "hey do you guys wanna go to pride?" both Karl and Big Q said "yes!" and Sapnap laughed at them in a teasing way.

that was about 3 weeks ago and today was the day of the parade. they all were getting ready, Karl had his frog hoodie with two pins on in. one which was the pansexual flag and the other had his pronouns, he/him. sapnap had a white shirt over a rainbow long sleave shirt with black ripped jeans and rainbow shoelaces on his black convers. he also had a gay pin on his bandana. Quackity wore a blue croped jacket and skiny jeans. on his LAPD hoodie had a bisexual pin. they all had matching rainbow masks.

"ready?" Sapnap said grabbing the keys for Quackitys truck and the other two nodded. they all walked out the door, Karl locking it on the way out. 

they all got into the car, sitting in their usual spots, karl in the middle with sapnap driving and quackity on karls right. quackity put on his usual playlist and they all sung or hummed algon as sapnap started to drive to the event.

(time skip brout to you by my pansexual flag :] )

they park and get out of the truck, and they started walking to where all the rainbows are. as soon as they get there they could see some of their friends. like Eret holding a big flag and they where on top of a truck. born this way by lady gaga was blasting from the speakers of the car and a crowd was following the truck. the three of them spotted eret and waved, to which he waved back "Hi guysssss" they screamed back. 

a few people came up the the three of them and complemented their outfits, and they retuned the complaments. then as they turned the corner the entire group saw protesters. they all had banners saying stuff like "all gays go to hell" and "polyamory is a sin" and karl started to freak out.

one of the men holding one of the banners saw eret and said "REPENT TO GOD OR BURN IN HELL YOU FAGGOT" and eret responded with "WHY SHOULD I BELIVE IN A GOD THAT DOSEN'T ACCEPT ME FOR WHO I AM? AND IF IM BURNING IN HELL THEN ILL SEE YOU DOWN THERE FATTY~" and the crowed went "ooooo" the man with the banner went bright red with anger. but before he could say anything more two police officers came up to the protesters and said "we need to to vacate the premissis or we will make you leave with force." 

but before anything eles could happen our main trio left, with karl staring to have a panic attack.

Sapnaps POV

we we're walking to the car with karl. Quackity was trying to calm him down. "hey its ok just breathe. we're almost to the car baby"

as soon as we got inside the car karl broke down into tears. "i-i-i can't" karl said, clutching his hair. "hey its ok just breathe, in and out" quackity said as i turned on the car. they both breathed slowly. "karl can you tell me five things you see?" karl shook his head. "nu talk" big q nodded and said "can you point baby?" karl thought for a moment and pointed to big Q, me, the roof of the truck, the dash bored, and a mc donnalds across from the car park. "ok four things you can feel?" karl then pointed to the seat, quackitys hand that was on him sholder, my thy that brushed up aganset his, then he pointed to his clothes. "three things you can hear." karl pointed to quackitys mouth, then front of the car and then my chest. "you're doing so good baby. now two things you can smell." he pointed to quackity then me. "and one thing you can taste if you can talk buba" "pancakes" he said softly. "good job baby we're almost home" i said turning on our street and into our driveway. 

we all got out and walked up to the house. i unlocked the door and put the keys up, karl and big q following me inside. they both sat on the couch. "baby do you want me to put on a movie or get you anything?" Quackity said. karl shook his head and held on to Big Q's side, cuddling into him. he then turned to me and made grabby hands.i chuckled and made my way over to the couch.

i sat next to karl and held him softly. "its ok baby, everthings ok" karl nodded and held on to me. i kissed him on the head.


the three of them spent the rest of the night cuddling. and soon all three of them fell asleep

(hey guys so i hope that you enjoyed this fic and yeah. idk how to end this- but i hope that you guys have a good week and make sure you drink water and eat if you can!

Love, ANDY~)

(914 words)

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