Daisy :]

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Karl found himself in a field that stretched for miles in every direction, with trees on the horizon wherever he turned. different flowers populated the green grass, ranging from Poppy's and Tulips to Roses to even Lotus Blossoms, all meeting at where he sat. The sun was higher up in the sky from when he last remembered. "Hello?" he called out to the grassy plain. he turned around looking for anything or anyone. he started walking around, looking and looking.

soon he got desperate and started running. "Hello? Anyone?" he yelled. he kept looking but in the midst of him running he tripped over something a bit soft. "Ah!" he said as he fell to the ground. he looked back to see what he tripped on and it was the foot of Alex Quackity. Karl was overcome with joy and hugged him immediately, even though the smaller man was asleep and can't feel him. 

after Karl pulled away from the hug he started to shake him awake. "wake up, oh please wake up." the older one said, hands on the smaller's shoulders. but soon Quackitys eyes fluttered open. "what the-" he said but before he finished his sentence he was tackled by a hug from Karl.

"Karl? where are we?" he said hugging back, but he got no answer. he pulled back to look at Karl, who was crying. "hey, hey, look at me. whats wrong?" Quackity said pulling Karl into his lap. "i-i was scared that i was all alone." he said, holding onto Quackity. "hey its ok now. i'm here now just breathe for me" they both sat there breathing for a minute.

after a few minutes Karl calmed down. and they both stood up. Alex looked around and saw they were in a field of daisy's. His favorite flower. i looked around admiring the white and yellow flowers that surrounded them. "it's really beautiful here." he said "yeah.." Karl siad

"hey, check your pockets." Alex said, starting to check his pockets. "what, why?" Karl said watching him with confusion. "my uncle use to tell me "any time you wake up from a black out, check your pockets to make sure you don't have anything new." and i started doing it" "ok then. it worth a shot." they both checked their pockets. 

Quackity found a purple pocket watch, a gambling chip, and a wad of white fabric about the size of a headband. Karl found two pins, one with a duck and one with a fire, and a tiny frog. he grabbed it gently and said to it "hey its ok, just calm down" he said as the frog wriggled in his lose grip. "any idea how we got this stuff?" Alex said, admiring the watch. i was purple with a teal spiral on the back of the watch. and on the front cover was a depiction of a castle with huge hallways and on the back right under the spiral it had something engraved in it but it was too faded  

"wait that looks familiar." Karl said, placing the frog on his shoulder, to witch the frog didn't move but just sat. Karl looked at the watch in awe. something was pulling at the back of his mind that he couldn't quite reach. "never mind."  Karl said. "its probably nothing" 

they both put the rest of there things back into there pockets, except for the frog. "lets keep looking for people." Alex said. Karl nodded and they started walking. the daisy's soon where soon replaced with orange tulips. the mass amount of orange tulips tinted their faces with orange. then they came across the third person. his face was calm a peaceful. they both started try and wake him up but he wasn't slurring. "how do we wake him up?" "i don't know!" Quackity said frantically. they started to shaking him and soon his eyes fluttered open.  "what the-" Sapnap said but soon he was cut off with a bare hug by both of the younger men. "what? Karl? Quackity?"  "yep" Alex pulled away , but Karl still held him. "Karl i need to get up" "oh sorry" he got up, embarrassed."how did i get here?" "we have no idea" Karl said "oh Nick, Check your pockets" and he did. he found a monster can, duck, and panda key chain. "well this doesn't answer my question." "i don't think we have an answer." Quackity said.

(wooo cliff hanger. i hope you liked this chapter. i have no idea what this is going to be. anyway have a good week and drink some water

Love, ANDY~)

(772 words)

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