Little part 4 (Winter Special)

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( so this was based off  @xxBoob_Snoopxx 's headcanon that sapnaps body temp is higher then the average human bc he's part blaze. and karl and quackity alwasy want to cuddle him bc warm. enjoy bros:])

it was late december on the the dream smp. and the karlapity family where scrambling around to get gifts for each other. Quackity went to gay target (as you do) and sapnap was on his  way to tommys house to get some things for his husbands. but what about karl? he's at the house, painting somthings for his lovers. but he was having trouble because he couldn't figure out what to paint. also he was fighting regression all day. so here we are

Karl POV

i sat at the table, frustrated because i can't figure out what to paint. as i got more mad at myself i started to feel that lovable yet unwanted feeling that made me feel so warm and small. but i don't need that right now. i looked for things to keep me big. i abandoned the paint and went into the living room, turning on the tv and putting on nightmare before christmas and i wrapped myself in a blanket. but as i got further in the movie i started to regress more. 

i shoot a text in the group chat

Karl: Hey can you guys hurry home? 

Sapnap:  i can't i have a meeting with tommy sorry :[

Quackity: yeah sorry babe, ill be home its just need a few mins. 

Karl: its ok just hurry up. :]

i turned off my phone and got up and went to my computer to play mincraft to keep my mind off of it. (yes ik that he's playing minecraft in minecraft, don't think about it too har ok :])

Quackity's POV

i'm walking around the store and i head to the check out. i got karl a new stuffy and a mickey mouse book, and i got sapnap pokemon cards and i got monster energy drinks for all three of us.

i checked out and head to the prime path and and start walking back to the house, but before i got there i was stopped by george. "oh hey george." i say. "hey quackity, merry christmas." "and to you too bro. have you got dream anything?" "nope not really. i dont know what he wants-" i get an idea on what he should get him. "how about you get him..." i whisper a word into georges ear and he goes red and slaps my arm. "QUACKITY NO!" i laugh and say "whattttt" "whatever.did you get stuff for karl and sapnap?" "mhm yep. i actualy need to get back so i'll see you around george." i started to run off waving. 

i finally got to the house. i opened the door and yelled "IM HOMEEEEEE" "Im in here!" karl yells back from his room. i put their presents in a false bottom in the pantry. i take the monster to karls room and give it to him along with a kiss. "hi baby, sorry i took so long i ran into george."

"its ok. uhm can you help me with my present for sapnap? i want to make a painting for him but i don't know what to paint" he said opening the monster. "sure baby, i saw your paint stuff on the table, you wanna do i there?" i said opening my water that i got. "sure" karl said turning off his computer

we're sitting down at the table and both of us can't think of what to paint. karl was getting frustrated and slammed his hand down on the able "I DON'T KNOW" he yelled and then he pulled back. "he bud you ok?" i ask him, very confused. "i can't do it, it hard" i emeditly reconized the baby talk. 

his eyes tear up and he quivers "can't do it" i hold him and say "hey its ok, we can do this later." he climbs onto my lap and lays his head on my sholder, sniffing a bit. "let it all out baby" he then starts to cry. i held him a wispered sweet nothings into his ear to try and comfort the little in my arms. 

(time skip brought to you by bagle bites and chicken nuggets)


sapnap had started to walk home from tommy's. he had got a golden enchanted apple and a book with a poem in it. and for karl he got a stuffed animal and two flowers. 

he walked up to the house and opened the door. "darlings i'm home" "in here babe" quackity called back. it sounded like it was coming from our bedroom. i put the stuff in the pantry and walked to the bedroom to find a crying karl and a tired big q. "hey whats wrong." i said walking up to them. karl was wrapped in a blanket, being held by Quackity. 

"he had a melt down and now he's cold" alex said. i picked him up and held him. "what happened baby?" karl sniffed and said "i wa tryin to make gift for yous and i couldn't fink of anyting" "awww baby, come here" sapnap kissed his temple and wiped his tears. do you want your pacifier?" he nodded and sapnap looked at quackity and he nodded back, getting up going to the drawr that has the agere stuff. he grabbed a pink one and handed it to karl and kissed his head. 

sapnap the said "how about we cuddle a bit and we can come up with present ideas how about that" karl said back "cuddles pwease" sapnap smiled and laid the little down and both sapnap and quackity crawlled into bed and held karl inbetween them. soon they all fell asleep holding each other as the snow fell outside.

(AYEEEEEE so i rlly hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. sorry that i haven't uploaded but alas i have retunred. i hope you all have a good week and make sure you try to get a snack and a drink of water.

Love, ANDY~)

(1008 words, holy shit-)

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