Missing (Part 2)

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(bc you guy's wanted to know what Q was doing when we was gone here's a bit of story ^^)


karl was the first to wake up of the three. he looked over at his sleeping husbands and smiled, happy to have Quackity back. everyday karl was beating himself up over the fight. because he felt like he caused it. he turned to his right and kiss Quackity on the head and then he turned to his left and kissed sapnaps cheek. both men smiled in their sleep.

karl tried getting up but both of his boyfriend's had a grip on him and they wouldn't let go. he sighed and muttered under his breath "seriously? please let me goo" but it was no use. karl sighed again and fell back asleep in their arms.

quackity woke up next. he sat up and smiled at his boyfriend's. he missed them so much over the two months. he sighed thinking back to the fight. he regretted what he said as soon as he left.

quackity slowly got up from the bed so he wouldn't wake up his baby's. quackity walked downstairs and looked at the living room. it was a mess. "this is why i can't leave" he started picking up the room.

once he finished he started to work on the dishes that were in the sink. the pile was about up to his shoulders from the sink that was at his waist. he chuckled a bit and said to himself. "and this is why we need a chore chart."

sapnap slowly woke up to find big q out of the bed. immediately he got up, frantically looking for his husband. then he heard humming from downstairs. he sighed in relief knowing he was just downstairs.

sap quietly got out of bed and went down the stares and saw big q working on the dishes and humming a song, slightly swaying his hips.

sapnap came behind big q and wrapped his arms around Q waist and said softly "it's just me" after feeling quackity jump a bit. "morning" he said softly, kissing saps cheek. both of them smiled. "how did you sleep duckling?" said sapnap in a soft tone. "good. no nightmares or nothing" "thats good. sap and big q kept small conversation going as q was washing the dishes. then both of them hear a whine, like a puppy, come from their room. "did you wake up karl and tell him you where down here?" quackity asked "no-" sapnap said. they both bolted up the stairs.

karl was sitting up on the bed with blankets wrapped around him and he was making grabby hands at the door. soon sapnap and quackity open the door to see this and smile. sapnap walks over with big q fallowing and the both of them hug karl. "we're so sorry darling" "it's fine" karl says then he chuckles. "im just being clingy"

They all got into the cuddling position and wrapped the blanket around all of them. "I missed this" Karl said. "Me too" quackity replied. They sat in comfy silence together until sapnap said "why were you gone for so long?" Quackity's smile melted. "I was on the run." "From who?" Karl asked. "Shlatt"

(Time skip((Flash back??))given to you by blanky cuddles)

Quakity walked away from the house fuming. He was still mad.

He started walking down the street, calming down slowly, and he stoped in front of a ally. "Shit why did I even care about the stupid remote" he thought. His guilt and shame started to seep over his entire body. He started to shake. "They probably hate me" he thought. He sighed and tried to calm himself down by breathing slowly.

"Hey dipshit, look over here" a voice came from the darkness to his right. He looked to see 3 men. They all had weapons of some kind. "Hey I don't have any money" Quackity said holding up his hands in defense. "Oh we don't want the money doll." The three men started walking to him. "Look I don't want any-" *Thunk* Quackity was hit with a bat from behind and crumpled to the sidewalk.

"It's nice to see you again, doll~"
Said the man that hit Quackity.

To Be Continued...

(Sorry to cut this here but im rlly tired and unmotivated sorry 😅 anyway's I hope you have a good day! Get some water and food if you can!

Love, Andy~)

(746 words)

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