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(so this one was a request by @starbyMC and there will be a bit of angst but at the end theres fluff anyway enjoy :]


Karl paced the house as sapnap was on the phone with George "so you haven't seen him?" "no sap, i haven't seen quackity. sorry" sapnap sighed "no it's fine. thanks George" "good luck finding him, bye!" and he hung up. sapnap got up and went over to karl, stopping him in his tracks and the taller hug the smaller man. "he'll come back, i know he will" 

karls mind raced with possibility's of what might happen to his boyfriend. the ideas started to overwhelm him and he started to cry. "i know, i know baby" Sapnap comforted. it's been two months since the fight

(flash back timeeee)

why where they even fighting? it was over the stupid remote. "GIVE IT TO ME"  Quackity yelled. Karl was curled up on the couch, having a panic attack. "LOWER YOUR GOD DAMN VOICE" Sapnap Shouted back. "FINE THEN." then he walked out the front door, slamming it. sapnap sighed and went over to karl. "can i hug you baby?" karl nodded and held out his arms and sapnap embraced him. "breathe baby" Quackity didn't come home at the end of the day.

(end of flash back)

"it's all my fault, i'm sorry baby" Karl shoock his head at sapnaps comment. Sap smiled and kissed karl's head. "ok baby, lets get you to bed" he picked up karl and took him to the bed room.

(time skip)

Sapnap woke up in the middle of the night to get some water. he went down into the kitchen and got a glass. then the front door opened to reveal a very hungry and tired looking Quackity. sapnap stared at him. he dropped the glass on the floor and it shattered. "surprise?" big Q said. Sapnap ran over to him, starting to cry as he hugged him.

karl walked down the stairs saying "i heard glass shadder, whats-" he looked up to see hiis two favorite people in the door way. he ran down the stairs and hugged them both, crying as well.

"im sorry i left you two i won't do it ever again" Quackity said sliding to the floor, holding the both of them. sapnap took Big Q's head in his hands and kissed him. Quackity shed a tear and kissed back

kalr hit Quackitys stomach sofly muttering "don't ever do that again" quackity pulled out of the kiss and held both his boyfriends. "come on let's head to bed" he said softly. they all got up and went to the bedroom, leaving the broken glass to be delt with in the morning. 

Sapnap crawled on the left side and quackity on the right with karl in the middle. sapnap held on to the both of them, almost like he was afraid they might disappeared at any second. Quackity kissed sapnaps head and Karls cheek "i love you both good night" all three of them soon fell asleep.

(Ayeeeee thanks for reading bro! anyway i hope that you have a good week and get some food and water if you can!

Love, ANDY~)

(523 words)

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