College Au

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(as you see from the title this is a collage au, its also a soulmate au where when your united with your soulmates your heart aches and can only be settled if the soul mates give each other affection)

Karl POV

i walk on campus and go to the dorms. its my first day here and i can't wait to meet my roommates. i go up to the counter labeled help and check in. "Hi, i'm Karl Jacobs. im here to pick up my key for my room?" i said to the person at the desk, "oh yeah here." she grabbed a key from a slot marked "16157" "you'll have two other roommates and i believe one is already up there." she said with a kind voice. "oh thank you!" i say "thank you" to him and start walking to the elevator.  

when i get to it it has five signs marking which rooms are on which floor. my room is on floor 4. i press the up button and i hear the elevator creak down the poles, reaching the first floor. but with it came two people, both in green hoodies and one had a boom box that was blasting upbeat music. the one without the boombox ran out of the elevator covering his ears yelling "leave me alone!" but the other man just ran after him. 

i walk into the elevator and hit the 4 button. and the doors closed and it began to move. i recognized the music playing. it was luvbird by parting woods (go listen to it) i smiled and hummed along.

the elevator reached my floor and i got out and walked to my door. i put the key in the slot and unlocked it. i was suddenly met with the smell of nachos and was that cheese wiz? i walk in and look around. the place was trashed. i sighed and put my stuff in my room and put on some music and began to clean.

after two hours of cleaning i thought someone was watching me and i turned around to see someone staring at me. "um hi?" i said, pausing my cleaning. "oh, um sorry for staring. im Nick, or Sapnap." he was kinda taller then me but not by much. he had black hair and a stubble. he wore sweat pants and a wight hoodie on it that had a smile on it. "Im Karl. Karl Jacobs." i said with a smile. he smiled back. "do you know who the other roommate is?" i say. "nop-" he says but he interrupted by sound of running and yelling. 

a guy comes running into the dorm and slams the door and put his back to it, breathing heavily. "hi" he said out of breath. "im Alex or Quackity." then a sharp pain in my stomach knocks me to the ground. i gasp and look over to see the both of them on the ground. then then i realize whats happening. "so, shit, i guess were soulmates then?" Alex says. "y-yeah" i tried to stand only to fall back down. "honking-" Alex then laughed and stood up slowly. "honking?" "sh-shut up" i stood slowly and started to walk to Sapnap. he stood too but with more ease. 

i hugged Sapnap and the pain started subsiding and Quackity joined the hug. i held them tightly and relaxed in their arm's, sighing with content as the pain almost fully subsided. 


"so this was unexpected-" Sapnap said holding the both of the smaller men. "yeah" Quackity laughed. Karl yawned and out of instinct nuzzeled into Sapnaps chest and kissed his neck.  Sapnap smiled and kissed Quackitys forehead, to which he blushed. the they heard running then a knock on the door. 

the door opened and in walked a tall skinny man in a green hoodie. he had blonde hair and brown eyes. he sighed. "sap i need you to save me from..." then the man realized the three of them hugging. "oh. am i interrupting somthing or?" sap nap sighed. "Guys the is Clay or Dream.  my best friend. Dream this is Karl and Alex. my soulmates." he said, blushing when he said soulmates. "you found your's already? lucky. i have to share a room with my brother." the tall man sighed. 

the soulmates disbanded their hug, reluctantly, and sat on the couch in the living room, that sap moved in, and they talked. 

(time skip brought to you by Mexican Dream's Boombox) 

"Bye dream!" Quackity said as the male walked out the front door. "bye gu-" he then ran into a shorter man with brown hair. "oh sorry about that." he said. "its okiwasn't watching where i was going." he said with a British accent. dream was almost immediately mesmerized by everything the man did, from fixing his glasses to tilting his head, which on top of it sat what looked like to top of a mushroom. "yeah- anyway see ya!" dream said waving and running off, after shutting saps door. (not me thinking abt making a dnf book-) 

(another time skip brought to you bye goggys mushroom hat)

the three men finished unpacking around 11 pm and started getting ready for bed. once they where all showered they all headed off to bed. but none of them could sleep

Sapnaps POV

i lay in my bed, facing the ceiling, unable to sleep. i sight and turn so im laying on my left side. then i hear a knock from my door. i got up and opened it to see both Karl and Alex standing there in their Pj's. "can't sleep?" i ask and they both nod. "fine come lay down." all three of us get into my bed.

i lay down first and both of them lay on my chest. "good night you two." "night" "mhh" karl said, already falling asleep under the covers. i chuckle and close my eyes, slowly drifting into unconsciousness.

(wooo that took to long to write! anyway what do you guys think?  this took two days to write and edit so yay. anyway i hope you guys have a good week and don't forget to get water!

Love, ANDY~)

(1026 words)

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