Mother Quackity (part 3)

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(this was a request by @Dusk_N1ghtm4re here you go bro :] i hope you guys enjoy this chapter)

Recap: the both of us picked him up and cariied his body to his bed. "welp no that that's  done, you want some lunch?"  i nodded and smiled

Quackitys POV

i walked to the kitchen and got some bread and penut butter and jelly. "pb&j sound good?" i ask the kid. he nods in responce and sits at the table. i make the sandwiches and i put them on plates and i set one plate down in front of the kid. "here you go. im sorry about him by the way, soon im going to go live with my friends." i blushed a bit at the word friends. (ik thats not how it happened but just trust the procese) "if you want you can come live with them too" he nods and keeps eating. 

(time skip brout to you by me writing this on my roof [: )

its been a few months since i moved out of shlatts house and into karls and Sapnaps, my best friends, and they've been really nice to tubbo. 

tubbo wanted me to meet tommy and so i did. he was a loud kid but he and tubbo got along well so i guess he's ok.

"QUACKITY, GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE" i hear a voice yell. i know who it is already.

It's Shlatt

(lmao sorry this was short im having major writing block lmao. anyway i hope you enjoyed' have a nice week and make sure to get some water or food if you can

Love, ANDY~)

(266 words)

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