6. Undiluted Bubotuber Pus

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 They did not seem to be able to catch a break. The article about Harry and Ron being a couple led to both of them dreading breakfast. Besides the Daily Prophet, the post owls brought them loads of hate mail. Especially Ron. They had stopped opening them, but some of them were howlers and could not be prevented from yelling their hateful messages all through the Great Hall.

The essence was that Ron should leave Harry alone. Apparently everyone seemed to think Ron had hexed Harry into being with him or some crap. Harry sometimes looked over at Malfoy who had a carefully passive look on his face most of the times. On occasion, he laughed with his friends like he was making fun of his and Ron's humiliation. But Harry had watched Malfoy often and he could detect a flash of guilt passing his features whenever he caught Harry's eyes.

"Wow, this is a big letter." Ron picked up a brown envelope the size of a small pillow. The mail had just arrived and left a small pile of letters in front of the trio. "And kinda heavy. I wonder-"

"No, Ron!" Hermione said. "Don't open-"

"Ow." It was too late. Ron had opened the envelope and a green yellowish viscous liquid flowed out of it, some on Ron's hand. Hastily, he tried to rub the stinking substance off with napkins, but the skin on his hands was already erupting with large yellow boils.

"Undiluted Bubotuber pus." Hermione looked appalled. "To the hospital wing, quick." Ron nodded, but said nothing. Harry could see tears running down his face, but Ron kept his eyes down and his hair in front of his face as he hurried out of the Great Hall. "Unbelievable." Hermione said. "Can't people mind their own business? What horrible person would do something like this?"

"What is that stuff?" Harry said, staring at the green substance that was spilled on the table over the other letters. "What does it do?"

"Undiluted Bubotuber pus." Hermione said. "It's in the leaves of the Bubotuber plant. It is part of many healing potions, but the raw pus can cause nasty skin boils. Madam Pomfrey will be able to prevent long term damage, but it's still extremely painful."

"We have to stop this." Harry said. This was going to far. Not only were they verbally attacked, now they had caused physical damage. Who knew what else could be sent to harm Ron.

"And how?" Hermione asked.

Harry shrugged. "You're the  genius."

Hermione snorted. "Well thanks." She looked at her plate, then at the green vicious liquid and sighed. "I've lost my appetite. Let's go." Harry nodded and stood up.

Together, they wandered out of the Great Hall and the castle. The first lesson was Care of Magical Creatures and the trio liked to catch Hagrid a bit earlier than the rest of the class. It was a beautiful morning, no rain in sight. Spring was turning to summer and the birds seemed to celebrate that.

"Hey, Potter!"

Harry felt a tingle of excitement in his stomach as he turned to a certain Slytherin group. As usual, a few Beauxbatons boys stood with them, but who cared about them. Not Harry.

Harry ignored Hermione's groan and her mumble of, "Why are they outside already?"

"Malfoy." Harry crossed his arms over his chest and tilted his head. He had grown to like his run-ins with the boy somehow. It made him feel... a lot of not spelled out things. Malfoy stepped in front of the group casually. He still stood a few meters away.

"Why was your little Weasel friend crying? Did you break his poor little heart?" Malfoy grinned teasingly.

Harry went to answer that he should be more careful because Harry and Ron were doing this for him, but Hermione was faster.

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