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Harry did not look up from his potions book when he heard familiar steps approaching him. He wanted to get this done before dinner. "Harry."

There was another confirmation that this was Ron. Not that Harry had needed one. He could discern the sound of Ron's steps any time... Now he could not remember what he had just read. What did that sentence say? Dang, what was this paragraph even about? Something about the use of an algae...

Something moved in his peripheral sight. "This paper-fly was waiting for someone to open the portrait." Ron commented. Harry decided it was useless and looked up from his stupid potions book. An elegantly folded white origami butterfly landed on his pointer finger. Harry felt his heart flutter. "Could you stop with those sap eyes?" Ron asked. "It's disgusting."

Harry rolled his eyes at Ron, carefully taking the butterfly in his hand and examining it. Draco really thought of a little something new every time. After they had a huge fight about loyalties and too little time together about five months ago, Draco and Harry had started sending small origami messages through the castle. They never wrote much, mostly just 'I miss you' or 'meet me there and then' or something funny that had happened that day, but every time a message arrived, Harry felt a wave of affection for his boyfriend. While Harry just did some clumsy airplane (which he had to explain to Draco first what it was) or a crane, Draco's origamis were delicate and beautiful.

Carefully, to remember how it was folded, Harry opened the message. 'I have big news.' Harry read the familiar handwriting. 'And a surprise. Love you.'

Confused, Harry turned the paper over but there was nothing more. He read the note again and frowned. He had a surprise? It was kind of random. Harry wondered if he had forgotten something. They did not even agree to meet somewhere. And the one year anniversary was still about two month away. The ten months anniversary was also not today and Harry did not think they were going to make a big deal out of it.

"Are you done?" Ron asked. That was when Harry noticed that his best friend had not sat down yet but instead was impatiently shifting from one foot to the other.

"Why are you not sitting down?" Harry asked.

"I'm hungry?" Ron said like Harry had just asked the most stupid question on earth. Harry felt a bit stupid because, yeah, Ron was always hungry but-

"What time is it?" Harry asked.

"Dinner time." Ron said.

"Shit, really?" Harry jumped up and looked down at his unfinished potions homework. He groaned. "When am I ever going to finish all of this?"

"Don't stress out, mate." Ron said. "I haven't done it either. Hermoine'll help us."

Harry nodded. That was true, but that did not mean he felt good about it. He was trying so hard to keep up with Draco, without too much of Hermione's help. Hey, just because they were together now did not mean they were not still rivals. But, Harry thought as he followed Ron to the portrait exit, maybe it was time to admit defeat to Draco regarding school accomplishments. Harry had plenty of other talents he could defeat Draco with.

"Where's Hermione?" Harry asked. They were arriving in the Entrance Hall where many students were flocking into the Great Hall.

"Where do you think?" Ron said.

"Library." Harry guessed.

Ron nodded. "Hope she remembers dinner. Today's Hamburger day."

Harry grinned. He loved this dinner almost as much as Ron did. On their way to their usual seats with the Gryffindor sixth years, Harry spotted a certain blonde. It was not hard. He was sitting at his usual seat with the Slytherin sixth years.

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