10. Farewells

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 Before the trio was able to decide whether they should bother the headmaster now during the breakfast or afterwards, Professor McGonagall approached them.

"Mr. Potter, you may come to Professor Dumbledore's office after we have bid goodbye to our guests. The password is lemon drops." She waited for Harry to nod in understanding. The Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students would take off to their own schools after breakfast. After lunch, the Hogwarts students would take the Hogwarts Express to go home for the summer break. "You may accompany him, Mr. Weasley and Ms. Granger."

"Thanks, Professor." Hermione said. McGonagall gave them a tight smile before heading towards the teacher's table. "Great, now we don't even need to discuss the right time."

"But I was right." Ron said. "After breakfast is better. Even great wizards like Dumbledore need their breakfast toast."

"Yes, but not directly after breakfast either." Hermione argued. "Told you he had enough to do seeing the guests take off."

"I wonder if it's even necessary to tell him at all." Harry said. "The summer break is starting and if anyone had any nefarious intentions left for me, they would not be able to do it during summer break. For the next two month, I'm safe."

"Really?" Ron asked in a deadpan tone. "You don't think they could find out where you and your relatives live?"

"They could." Harry said. "But they would make a really big scene using magic in that neighbourhood. There's no way the ministry would not notice."

"Well," Hermione said. "They did not seem that much bothered that you just didn't show up for the tournament. I wonder what had them caught up this much."

Harry shrugged. "We'll hopefully find out in Dumbledore's office."


Standing in front of the castle, Ron and Harry got the feeling that they were the only ones who did not find at least one friend among the foreign students. Everywhere on the meadow Bauxbatons and Durmstrang students were bidding heartfelt farewells from Hogwarts students. Apparently everyone wanted to say goodbye to Luna Lovegood, who seemed to have charmed her way into many hearts.

While Ron kept watching Viktor Krum sceptically, who was taking quite long to say his goodbyes to Hermione, Harry's eyes drifted to a certain Slytherin. He was standing a bit apart from his usual Slytherin group. It looked like he was having a private conversation with the annoying Beauxbatons guy that used to cling onto Malfoy's arm.

Harry thought they broke up. Why were they standing so close? "What do you think he's telling her?" Ron asked.

"Huh?" Harry watched as this Beauxbatons guy looked around furtively before leaning close to Malfoy and pressed his lips to his pale cheeks. It felt like a storm was raging inside Harry as he watched Malfoy look to the ground shyly. He could not really see it from the distance, but he believed Malfoy was blushing. His cheeks were pink, and not because of Harry.

"What do you think-" Ron looked at Harry, then followed his gaze and shook his head, "Never mind."

Harry watched Malfoy say something else. They looked up at the clock tower and Malfoy gestured to the rest of his Slytherin-Beauxbatons group. They strolled over and then everyone was hugging and having last conversations within the group. Harry was wondering when the Slytherin clique had become such a heartfelt bunch. He would have thought they would be mean to foreign people. Or at least they would get on better with people from Durmstrang, who had a strict no muggleborn policy. It intrigued him.

"Hermione's coming." Ron said. "I think we should go over there."

Harry tore his eyes from the group he had been watching. Ron was right. The students were starting to separate. Beauxbatons in their blue school uniforms strolled to their carriage, drawn by a dozen huge winged horses, all palominos. They were standing in front of the carriage, stamping fidgety in anticipation. Beside them stood Hagrid, seeming more sad about the horses' parting than Madame Maxime's. The Durmstrangs also returned to their boat in the black lake, some looking back and waving before embarking it.

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