13. I'm a Malfoy, Potter

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Harry liked the smell of approaching autumn. September was often the time of the year where the heat of summer had passed, but there was this pleasant warmth mixed with occasional rain that made everything smell of wet soil.

It was especially perceptible this particular morning on Friday during the first week into the school year. The Gryffindors of the fifth year had Care of Magical Creatures with the Slytherins at the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Harry remembered the first Care of Magical Creature lesson with Hagrid in third year. It started with the class being confused and annoyed at the school book Monsterbook of Monsters. Like always, Malfoy had complained the loudest. When Harry had told him to shut up, Malfoy did something unexpected. Well, Malfoy had made fun of him, that had been expected. But he had done it in a weird, flirty way, walking up to Harry slowly and letting his eyes check out Harry from bottom to top. Harry had never been more attracted to someone than to Malfoy in this moment.

Of course, Malfoy had done this to make fun of him, pretending to see Dementors afterwards. Harry wondered if this flirtatious behaviour from before that had been intentional. Had Malfoy been flirting with him before Harry had done it to him? Also, the reactions, the blushing, that did not come from nowhere, did it?

Maybe it was the earthy autumn smell, or maybe the lingering memory that tied Malfoy with this forest clearing connected with the wonderful feeling of flying on a Hippogriff that day. Whatever it was, Harry felt bold. 

After class, to which he had paid less attention than usual, Harry shouted, "Malfoy!" Effectively stopping called boy from leaving. The whole Slytherin gang turned around. With disappointment, he remembered that they had another class in ten minutes. He walked up to the Slytherin group, stopping directly in front of Malfoy, "After class, meet me where we talked last time." Harry knew Malfoy's schedule well enough to know his classes ended at the same time as Harry's on Fridays.

Harry and Draco ignored the suggestive sounds coming from surrounding students, never breaking eye contact. "And why should I do that?" Draco asked provocatively.

"You'll see." Harry said. He did not even really know himself.

"How creative." Harry loved this sharp sarcasm from Draco. "Well, let's see if I can spare some time. Or if I feel like showing up." With that, he turned away and the Slytherins followed him to the castle.

"Harry, what are you doing?" Ron asked.

"He can tell us later." Hermione said. "Come on, quick. We're gonna be late for Charms."


It was hard for Harry to concentrate during the remaining lessons. And even harder to explain to his friends what his intention with this rendezvous with Malfoy was. Thus, he did not. Instead, he dwelled on his thoughts.

He wondered what he should say to Malfoy. He wondered if he should ask him to the Yule ball. Or to a normal date? Or if he should even ask at all? Maybe he should think of some plan B in case Malfoy decided to reject and ridicule him. Like, tell him it was all a joke and... then what?

Maybe this was not a good idea in general. Maybe he should just not show up. It was the easiest way out. And if Malfoy came to him afterwards, he could make fun of him for even thinking Harry would show up. But that was not Harry's style. It sounded more like something Draco would do.

 Wait, maybe that was what he planned on doing. Maybe it would be Harry who waited at the meadow for hours without Malfoy showing up. And then Malfoy would make fun of him for even thinking he would show up for Harry.

After the last lesson, Harry stood in front of the door leading out of the Great Hall to the outside. Not for the first time, he wondered if he should back out, just hide in his dorm and avoid Malfoy for a while. Like, for the rest of his life.

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