8. The Third Task

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 The last weeks before the Third Task were stressful. Between studying for the exams at the end of the year, Hermione helped Harry practising spells. He knew the task was a maze, but what exactly would await him between these hedges, he could only guess.

Harry himself did not have to study for exams, being exempt for being a Champion. Still, Harry was anxious. It was hard to wake up in the mornings because there was so much he had to do without an ending in sight. He knew there was always something he could still do, still improve, still learn... There was no business before pleasure. It was simply all work and no play.

Since the Slytherins had the same stress as most of the Gryffindors, Harry did not even get to have his run inn's with Malfoy. Despite not having the stress of the Third Task, Ron was complaining more than Harry about the workloads. But Harry was thankful for it because he had someone who suffered with him, even if it was for a different reason.

The days passed in a blur. Harry had to listen to the complaints of his roommates whenever one exam was over. They talked about how difficult the exams were, which mistakes they had made, where they had black outs, and Harry was grateful that he did not have to go through that stress.

But when he woke up in the morning, after all the exams had passed, and he realized that in the evening, he had to handle a task made for witches and wizards much more skilled than him, in front of the whole school, he wished he had been able to write the exams instead. At least no one could be killed writing an essay or answering questions. And normally no one was interested in each others grades so he could have hardly made a fool of himself in front of the whole student body.

With a sick feeling in his stomach he trudged through the hallways to get breakfast, flanked by his two best friends. Hermione kept telling him it was going to be alright while Ron just tried to keep his mind off the Triwizard Tournament completely. Neither one of them did make him feel better.

It was not completely their fault though. The hallways were filled with excited chatter, with was understandable since the exams were over and there were only three days left until summer break. Additionally, the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students would leave tomorrow. Some students had found dear new friends. And last but not least, this evening, they would have a winner for the Triwizard's Tournament.

Harry did not even have the motivation to send Malfoy a wink as he passed the group of Slytherins. Malfoy seemed sensible enough not to bother Harry today. He actually had a deep worried frown as he spotted him. Harry briefly noticed the absence of the usual Beauxbatons bunch that had grown to this certain Slytherin group.

At least one good thing today, Harry thought. Then again, maybe that had something to do with Malfoy looking so upset. Oh well, he would get over it. He deserved better than that arrogant French prat.

People kept coming up to Harry, wishing him luck. He smiled and thanked them. But inside, he wished they would just stop reminding him, stop giving him attention for something he was basically forced to do.

Reaching the Great Hall, Hermione was now repeating every spell she had practised with Harry. "Could you stop?" Ron said. "You're stressing him out."

"Oh, and talking about Dragons is going to calm him, you think?" Hermione asked dryly. Harry sent Luna a small smile, who gave him thumbs up from the Ravenclaw table.

"I was just telling him about Charlie's letter." Ron defended, ignoring the shoulder bump he accidentally gave a fifth year Hufflepuff. "What's your tactic? Reminding him of all the things that could go wrong?"

"No, I'm simply repeating what could be helpful in defence." Hermione said.

"He already knows everything." Ron said. "You're just making an unnecessarily big deal out of it."

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